[AD] Exhaustive haptics example program ex_haptic2.cpp |
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I wrote an exhaustive example program for trying and playing haptic effects
using nihgui.cpp. I also had to make some modifications to nihgui to make
the font look pretty in buttons and also to make controls support being set to
"disabled". I checked the other programs that use nihgui and they seem fine.
Oh, and as an aside, I noticed becuse I used valgrind, and it seems the use
of gtk for native dialogs is full of memory leaks?
Kind Regards,
From ccdb87763fac4bc1d9211110129c83fd65531ed2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 21:37:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Starting with exhaustive haptics example program with
examples/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index f45c0da..bf6b31d 100644
--- a/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ example(ex_fs_window ${IMAGE} ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_icon ${IMAGE})
example(ex_icon2 ${IMAGE})
example(ex_haptic ${PRIM})
+example(ex_haptic2 ex_haptic2.cpp ${NIHGUI} ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_joystick_events ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_joystick_hotplugging ${PRIM})
From 5235e4f7b68fab9f3a34f4b11521ae5a54005ada Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 23:22:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] A GUI for haptic effect testing. The program ex_haptic2
needs tons of sliders and labels.
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 383 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 383 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b5598c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ * Example program for the Allegro library, by Peter Wang.
+ *
+ * Compare software blending routines with hardware blending.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include "allegro5/allegro.h"
+#include "allegro5/allegro_font.h"
+#include "allegro5/allegro_image.h"
+#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
+#include "common.c"
+#include "nihgui.hpp"
+char * haptic_name[EX_HAPTIC2_MAX_HAPTICS];
+int num_haptics;
+struct CapacityName {
+ int value;
+ const char * name;
+CapacityName capname[] = {
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RUMBLE , "rumble" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_PERIODIC , "periodic" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT , "constant" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SPRING , "spring" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_FRICTION , "friction" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_DAMPER , "damper" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_INERTIA , "inertia" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP , "ramp" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SQUARE , "square" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_TRIANGLE , "triangle" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SINE , "sine" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SAW_UP , "saw up" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SAW_DOWN , "saw down" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CUSTOM , "custom" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN , "gain" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE , "angle" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS , "radius" },
+ { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH , "azimuth" }
+#define EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES 13
+/* Ignore custom waveforms for now... */
+class Prog {
+ Dialog d;
+ List device_list;
+ List type_list;
+ List waveform_list;
+ Label device_label;
+ Label type_label;
+ Label waveform_label;
+ HSlider length_slider, delay_slider, loops_slider;
+ Label replay_label, length_label, delay_label, loops_label;
+ HSlider attack_length_slider, attack_level_slider;
+ HSlider fade_length_slider, fade_level_slider;
+ Label envelope_label, attack_length_label, attack_level_label;
+ Label fade_length_label, fade_level_label;
+ HSlider angle_slider, radius_slider, azimuth_slider;
+ Label coordinates_label, angle_label , radius_label , azimuth_label;
+ HSlider level_slider;
+ Label constant_effect_label, level_label;
+ HSlider start_level_slider, end_level_slider;
+ Label ramp_effect_label, start_level_label, end_level_label;
+ HSlider right_saturation_slider, right_coeff_slider;
+ HSlider left_saturation_slider , left_coeff_slider;
+ HSlider deadband_slider , center_slider;
+ Label right_saturation_label, right_coeff_label;
+ Label left_saturation_label , left_coeff_label;
+ Label condition_effect_label, deadband_label, center_label;
+ HSlider period_slider, magnitude_slider, offset_slider, phase_slider;
+ Label periodic_effect_label;
+ Label period_label, magnitude_label, offset_label, phase_label;
+ HSlider strong_magnitude_slider, weak_magnitude_slider;
+ Label rumble_effect_label, strong_magnitude_label, weak_magnitude_label;
+ HSlider gain_slider;
+ Label gain_label;
+ Button play_button;
+ Button stop_button;
+ Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display);
+ void run();
+ /*
+ * void play_effect();
+ void stop_effect();};
+ */
+Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
+ d(Dialog(theme, display, 20, 40)),
+ device_list(0),
+ type_list(0),
+ waveform_list(0),
+ device_label("Haptic Device"),
+ type_label("Haptic Effect Type"),
+ waveform_label("Wave Form Periodic Effect"),
+ length_slider(1, 10),
+ delay_slider(1, 10),
+ loops_slider(1, 10),
+ replay_label("replay"),
+ length_label("length", false),
+ delay_label("delay", false),
+ loops_label("loops"),
+ attack_length_slider(1, 10),
+ attack_level_slider(5, 10),
+ fade_length_slider(5, 10),
+ fade_level_slider(1, 10),
+ envelope_label("envelope"),
+ attack_length_label("attack length", false),
+ attack_level_label("attack level", false),
+ fade_length_label("fade length", false),
+ fade_level_label("fade level", false),
+ angle_slider(0, 360), radius_slider(0, 10), azimuth_slider(180, 360),
+ coordinates_label("coordinates"),
+ angle_label("angle", false),
+ radius_label("radius", false),
+ azimuth_label("azimuth", false),
+ level_slider(5, 10),
+ constant_effect_label("constant effect"),
+ level_label("level", false),
+ start_level_slider(3, 10), end_level_slider(7, 10),
+ ramp_effect_label("ramp effect"),
+ start_level_label("start level", false),
+ end_level_label("end level", false),
+ right_saturation_slider(5, 10) , right_coeff_slider(5, 10),
+ left_saturation_slider(5, 10) , left_coeff_slider(5, 10),
+ deadband_slider(1, 10) , center_slider(5,10),
+ right_saturation_label("right saturation", false),
+ right_coeff_label("right coefficient", false),
+ left_saturation_label("left saturation", false),
+ left_coeff_label("left coefficient", false),
+ condition_effect_label("condition effect"),
+ deadband_label("deadband", false),
+ center_label("center", false),
+ period_slider(1, 10), magnitude_slider(5, 10),
+ offset_slider(0, 10), phase_slider(0, 10),
+ periodic_effect_label("periodic effect"),
+ period_label("period", false),
+ magnitude_label("magnitude", false),
+ offset_label("offset", false),
+ phase_label("phase", false),
+ strong_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
+ weak_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
+ rumble_effect_label("rumble effect"),
+ strong_magnitude_label("strong magnitude", false),
+ weak_magnitude_label("weak magnitude", false),
+ gain_slider(10, 10),
+ gain_label("gain"),
+ play_button("Play"),
+ stop_button("Stop")
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
+ device_list.append_item(haptic_name[i]);
+ }
+ d.add(device_label, 0, 1, 7, 1);
+ d.add(device_list , 0, 2, 7, 8);
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES ; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES ; i++) {
+ type_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
+ }
+ d.add(type_label, 7, 1, 6, 1);
+ d.add(type_list , 7, 2, 6, 8);
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES ; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES ; i++) {
+ waveform_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
+ }
+ d.add(waveform_label, 13, 1, 7, 1);
+ d.add(waveform_list , 13, 2, 7, 8);
+ d.add(replay_label , 0, 10 , 7, 1);
+ d.add(length_label , 0, 11 , 2, 1);
+ d.add(length_slider, 2, 11 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(delay_label , 0, 12 , 2, 1);
+ d.add(delay_slider , 2, 12 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(loops_label , 0, 13 , 7, 1);
+ d.add(loops_slider , 2, 14 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(gain_label , 0, 15 , 7, 1);
+ d.add(gain_slider , 2, 16 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(envelope_label , 7 , 10, 6, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_label , 7 , 11, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_slider , 10, 11, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_label , 7 , 12, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_slider , 10, 12, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_label , 7 , 13, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_slider , 10, 13, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_label , 7 , 14, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_slider , 10, 14, 3, 1);
+ d.add(coordinates_label , 13, 10, 7, 1);
+ d.add(angle_label , 13, 11, 2, 1);
+ d.add(angle_slider , 15, 11, 5, 1);
+ d.add(radius_label , 13, 12, 2, 1);
+ d.add(radius_slider , 15, 12, 5, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_label , 13, 13, 2, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_slider , 15, 13, 5, 1);
+ d.add(condition_effect_label , 0, 18, 7, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_label , 0, 19, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_slider , 4, 19, 3, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_label , 0, 20, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_slider, 4, 20, 3, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_label , 0, 21, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_slider , 4, 21, 3, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_label , 0, 22, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_slider , 4, 22, 3, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_label , 0, 23, 4, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_slider , 4, 23, 3, 1);
+ d.add(center_label , 0, 24, 4, 1);
+ d.add(center_slider , 4, 24, 3, 1);
+ d.add(constant_effect_label , 7, 18, 6, 1);
+ d.add(level_label , 7, 19, 3, 1);
+ d.add(level_slider , 10, 19, 3, 1);
+ d.add(periodic_effect_label , 13, 18, 7, 1);
+ d.add(period_label , 13, 19, 7, 1);
+ d.add(period_slider , 15, 19, 5, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_label , 13, 20, 2, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_slider , 15, 20, 5, 1);
+ d.add(offset_label , 13, 21, 2, 1);
+ d.add(offset_slider , 15, 21, 5, 1);
+ d.add(phase_label , 13, 22, 2, 1);
+ d.add(phase_slider , 15, 22, 5, 1);
+ d.add(play_button , 6, 38, 3, 1);
+ d.add(stop_button , 12, 38, 3, 1);
+ /*
+ rgba_label[0] = Label("Source tint/color RGBA");
+ rgba_label[1] = Label("Dest tint/color RGBA");
+ d.add(rgba_label[0], 1, 34, 5, 1);
+ d.add(rgba_label[1], 7, 34, 5, 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ r[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
+ g[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
+ b[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
+ a[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
+ d.add(r[i], 1 + i * 6, 35, 5, 1);
+ d.add(g[i], 1 + i * 6, 36, 5, 1);
+ d.add(b[i], 1 + i * 6, 37, 5, 1);
+ d.add(a[i], 1 + i * 6, 38, 5, 1);
+ }
+ */
+void Prog::run()
+ d.prepare();
+ while (!d.is_quit_requested()) {
+ if (d.is_draw_requested()) {
+ al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(128, 128, 128));
+ d.draw();
+ al_flip_display();
+ }
+ d.run_step(true);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ if (!al_init()) {
+ abort_example("Could not init Allegro\n");
+ }
+ al_init_primitives_addon();
+ al_install_keyboard();
+ al_install_mouse();
+ al_install_joystick();
+ al_install_haptic();
+ al_init_font_addon();
+ al_set_new_display_flags(ALLEGRO_GENERATE_EXPOSE_EVENTS);
+ display = al_create_display(800, 600);
+ if (!display) {
+ abort_example("Unable to create display\n");
+ }
+ font = al_create_builtin_font();
+ if (!font) {
+ abort_example("Failed to create builtin font.\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ font = al_load_font("data/fixed_font.tga", 0, 0);
+ if (!font) {
+ abort_example("Failed to load data/fixed_font.tga\n");
+ }
+ */
+ num_haptics = 0;
+ if(al_is_display_haptic(al_get_current_display())) {
+ haptics[num_haptics] = al_get_haptic_from_display(al_get_current_display());
+ haptic_name[num_haptics]= (char *)"display";
+ num_haptics++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < al_get_num_joysticks(); i++) {
+ ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK * joy = al_get_joystick(i);
+ if(al_is_joystick_haptic(joy)) {
+ haptics[num_haptics] = al_get_haptic_from_joystick(joy);
+ haptic_name[num_haptics]= (char *)al_get_joystick_name(joy);
+ num_haptics++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Don't remove these braces. */
+ {
+ Theme theme(font);
+ Prog prog(theme, display);
+ prog.run();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
+ al_release_haptic(haptics[i]);
+ }
+ al_destroy_font(font);
+ return 0;
+/* vim: set sts=3 sw=3 et: */
From 76dad2166b9ee41a28329f5312663062a87be74d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 00:04:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] All sliders are in and positioned as well as is possible
for such a huge amount. Now to implement the play and
stop buttons.
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 125 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index 1b5598c..1bb19e8 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -211,61 +211,78 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
d.add(waveform_label, 13, 1, 7, 1);
d.add(waveform_list , 13, 2, 7, 8);
- d.add(replay_label , 0, 10 , 7, 1);
- d.add(length_label , 0, 11 , 2, 1);
- d.add(length_slider, 2, 11 , 5, 1);
- d.add(delay_label , 0, 12 , 2, 1);
- d.add(delay_slider , 2, 12 , 5, 1);
- d.add(loops_label , 0, 13 , 7, 1);
- d.add(loops_slider , 2, 14 , 5, 1);
- d.add(gain_label , 0, 15 , 7, 1);
- d.add(gain_slider , 2, 16 , 5, 1);
- d.add(envelope_label , 7 , 10, 6, 1);
- d.add(attack_length_label , 7 , 11, 3, 1);
- d.add(attack_length_slider , 10, 11, 3, 1);
- d.add(attack_level_label , 7 , 12, 3, 1);
- d.add(attack_level_slider , 10, 12, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_length_label , 7 , 13, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_length_slider , 10, 13, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_level_label , 7 , 14, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_level_slider , 10, 14, 3, 1);
- d.add(coordinates_label , 13, 10, 7, 1);
- d.add(angle_label , 13, 11, 2, 1);
- d.add(angle_slider , 15, 11, 5, 1);
- d.add(radius_label , 13, 12, 2, 1);
- d.add(radius_slider , 15, 12, 5, 1);
- d.add(azimuth_label , 13, 13, 2, 1);
- d.add(azimuth_slider , 15, 13, 5, 1);
+ d.add(replay_label , 0, 11 , 7, 1);
+ d.add(length_label , 0, 12 , 2, 1);
+ d.add(length_slider, 2, 12 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(delay_label , 0, 13 , 2, 1);
+ d.add(delay_slider , 2, 13 , 5, 1);
+ d.add(loops_label , 7, 11, 7, 1);
+ d.add(loops_slider , 7, 12, 6, 1);
+ d.add(gain_label , 13, 11, 7, 1);
+ d.add(gain_slider , 13, 12, 7, 1);
+ d.add(envelope_label , 0, 15, 9, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_label , 0, 16, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_slider , 4, 16, 6, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_label , 0, 17, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_slider , 4, 17, 6, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_label , 0, 18, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_slider , 4, 18, 6, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_label , 0, 19, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_slider , 4, 19, 6, 1);
+ d.add(coordinates_label , 11, 15, 9, 1);
+ d.add(angle_label , 11, 16, 2, 1);
+ d.add(angle_slider , 13, 16, 7, 1);
+ d.add(radius_label , 11, 17, 2, 1);
+ d.add(radius_slider , 13, 17, 7, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_label , 11, 18, 2, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_slider , 13, 18, 7, 1);
- d.add(condition_effect_label , 0, 18, 7, 1);
- d.add(right_coeff_label , 0, 19, 4, 1);
- d.add(right_coeff_slider , 4, 19, 3, 1);
- d.add(right_saturation_label , 0, 20, 4, 1);
- d.add(right_saturation_slider, 4, 20, 3, 1);
- d.add(left_coeff_label , 0, 21, 4, 1);
- d.add(left_coeff_slider , 4, 21, 3, 1);
- d.add(left_saturation_label , 0, 22, 4, 1);
- d.add(left_saturation_slider , 4, 22, 3, 1);
- d.add(deadband_label , 0, 23, 4, 1);
- d.add(deadband_slider , 4, 23, 3, 1);
- d.add(center_label , 0, 24, 4, 1);
- d.add(center_slider , 4, 24, 3, 1);
- d.add(constant_effect_label , 7, 18, 6, 1);
- d.add(level_label , 7, 19, 3, 1);
- d.add(level_slider , 10, 19, 3, 1);
- d.add(periodic_effect_label , 13, 18, 7, 1);
- d.add(period_label , 13, 19, 7, 1);
- d.add(period_slider , 15, 19, 5, 1);
- d.add(magnitude_label , 13, 20, 2, 1);
- d.add(magnitude_slider , 15, 20, 5, 1);
- d.add(offset_label , 13, 21, 2, 1);
- d.add(offset_slider , 15, 21, 5, 1);
- d.add(phase_label , 13, 22, 2, 1);
- d.add(phase_slider , 15, 22, 5, 1);
+ d.add(condition_effect_label , 0, 21, 9, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_label , 0, 22, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_slider , 4, 22, 6, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_label , 0, 23, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_slider, 4, 23, 6, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_label , 0, 24, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_slider , 4, 24, 6, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_label , 0, 25, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_slider , 4, 25, 6, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_label , 0, 26, 4, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_slider , 4, 26, 6, 1);
+ d.add(center_label , 0, 27, 4, 1);
+ d.add(center_slider , 4, 27, 6, 1);
+ d.add(periodic_effect_label , 11, 21, 9, 1);
+ d.add(period_label , 11, 22, 2, 1);
+ d.add(period_slider , 13, 22, 7, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_label , 11, 23, 2, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_slider , 13, 23, 7, 1);
+ d.add(offset_label , 11, 24, 2, 1);
+ d.add(offset_slider , 13, 24, 7, 1);
+ d.add(phase_label , 11, 25, 2, 1);
+ d.add(phase_slider , 13, 25, 7, 1);
+ d.add(ramp_effect_label , 11, 29, 9, 1);
+ d.add(start_level_label , 11, 30, 2, 1);
+ d.add(start_level_slider , 13, 30, 7, 1);
+ d.add(end_level_label , 11, 31, 2, 1);
+ d.add(end_level_slider , 13, 31, 7, 1);
+ d.add(rumble_effect_label , 0, 29, 9, 1);
+ d.add(strong_magnitude_label , 0, 30, 4, 1);
+ d.add(strong_magnitude_slider, 4, 30, 6, 1);
+ d.add(weak_magnitude_label , 0, 31, 4, 1);
+ d.add(weak_magnitude_slider , 4, 31, 6, 1);
+ d.add(constant_effect_label , 0, 33, 9, 1);
+ d.add(level_label , 0, 34, 3, 1);
+ d.add(level_slider , 4, 34, 6, 1);
d.add(play_button , 6, 38, 3, 1);
From 95f836ecac056f3c1a004dfb7d7a2d73f1c936c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 00:17:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] PlayButton and Stopbutton classes are there, but still
need to implement playing.
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index 1bb19e8..d0492bc 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,30 @@ CapacityName capname[] = {
+class PlayButton : public Button {
+ PlayButton() : Button("Play") {}
+ void on_click(int mx, int my);
+void PlayButton::on_click(int, int)
+ log_printf("Start playing...\n");
+class StopButton : public Button {
+ StopButton() : Button("Stop") {}
+ void on_click(int mx, int my);
+void StopButton::on_click(int, int)
+ log_printf("Stop playing...\n");
class Prog {
@@ -113,8 +137,8 @@ private:
HSlider gain_slider;
Label gain_label;
- Button play_button;
- Button stop_button;
+ PlayButton play_button;
+ StopButton stop_button;
@@ -188,9 +212,7 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
strong_magnitude_label("strong magnitude", false),
weak_magnitude_label("weak magnitude", false),
gain_slider(10, 10),
- gain_label("gain"),
- play_button("Play"),
- stop_button("Stop")
+ gain_label("gain")
for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
From fd32e826bb6155278af88a66aa85645375a6adc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 18:43:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] A first usable version of ex_haptic_2 with disabled
co,trols. NIHGUI was also updated to allow disabing.
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 528 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
examples/nihgui.cpp | 76 ++++++-
examples/nihgui.hpp | 7 +
3 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index d0492bc..0850637 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -18,36 +18,45 @@
-char * haptic_name[EX_HAPTIC2_MAX_HAPTICS];
-int num_haptics;
+struct Haptic {
+ ALLEGRO_HAPTIC * haptic;
+ const char * name;
+ bool playing;
+Haptic haptics[EX_HAPTIC2_MAX_HAPTICS];
+int num_haptics = 0;
+/* Haptic * last_haptic = NULL; */
struct CapacityName {
int value;
const char * name;
CapacityName capname[] = {
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RUMBLE , "rumble" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_PERIODIC , "periodic" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT , "constant" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SPRING , "spring" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_FRICTION , "friction" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_DAMPER , "damper" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_INERTIA , "inertia" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP , "ramp" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SQUARE , "square" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_TRIANGLE , "triangle" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SINE , "sine" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SAW_UP , "saw up" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_SAW_DOWN , "saw down" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CUSTOM , "custom" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN , "gain" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE , "angle" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS , "radius" },
- { ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH , "azimuth" }
@@ -64,34 +73,53 @@ CapacityName capname[] = {
+class CanStopAndPlay {
+ public:
+ virtual void on_play() = 0;
+ virtual void on_stop() = 0;
class PlayButton : public Button {
+ CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
- PlayButton() : Button("Play") {}
+ PlayButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp) : Button("Play") , stop_and_play(snp) {}
void on_click(int mx, int my);
void PlayButton::on_click(int, int)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
log_printf("Start playing...\n");
+ if(stop_and_play) {
+ stop_and_play->on_play();
+ }
class StopButton : public Button {
+ CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
- StopButton() : Button("Stop") {}
+ StopButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp) : Button("Stop") , stop_and_play(snp) {}
void on_click(int mx, int my);
void StopButton::on_click(int, int)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
log_printf("Stop playing...\n");
+ if(stop_and_play) {
+ stop_and_play->on_stop();
+ }
-class Prog {
+class Prog : public CanStopAndPlay {
+ private:
Dialog d;
List device_list;
@@ -137,19 +165,22 @@ private:
HSlider gain_slider;
Label gain_label;
+ Label message_label, message_label_label;
PlayButton play_button;
StopButton stop_button;
+ Haptic * last_haptic;
+ Haptic * show_haptic;
Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display);
void run();
- /*
- * void play_effect();
- void stop_effect();};
- */
+ void update();
+ virtual void on_play();
+ virtual void on_stop();
+ void get_envelope(ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ENVELOPE * envelope);
@@ -164,58 +195,64 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
length_slider(1, 10),
delay_slider(1, 10),
loops_slider(1, 10),
- replay_label("replay"),
- length_label("length", false),
- delay_label("delay", false),
- loops_label("loops"),
- attack_length_slider(1, 10),
- attack_level_slider(5, 10),
- fade_length_slider(5, 10),
- fade_level_slider(1, 10),
- envelope_label("envelope"),
- attack_length_label("attack length", false),
- attack_level_label("attack level", false),
- fade_length_label("fade length", false),
- fade_level_label("fade level", false),
+ replay_label("Replay"),
+ length_label("Length", false),
+ delay_label("Delay", false),
+ loops_label("Loops"),
+ attack_length_slider(2, 10),
+ attack_level_slider(4, 10),
+ fade_length_slider(2, 10),
+ fade_level_slider(4, 10),
+ envelope_label("Envelope"),
+ attack_length_label("Attack Length", false),
+ attack_level_label("Attack Level", false),
+ fade_length_label("Fade Length", false),
+ fade_level_label("Fade Level", false),
angle_slider(0, 360), radius_slider(0, 10), azimuth_slider(180, 360),
- coordinates_label("coordinates"),
- angle_label("angle", false),
- radius_label("radius", false),
- azimuth_label("azimuth", false),
+ coordinates_label("Coordinates"),
+ angle_label("Angle", false),
+ radius_label("Radius", false),
+ azimuth_label("Azimuth", false),
level_slider(5, 10),
- constant_effect_label("constant effect"),
- level_label("level", false),
+ constant_effect_label("Constant Effect"),
+ level_label("Level", false),
start_level_slider(3, 10), end_level_slider(7, 10),
- ramp_effect_label("ramp effect"),
- start_level_label("start level", false),
- end_level_label("end level", false),
+ ramp_effect_label("Ramp Effect"),
+ start_level_label("Start Lvl.", false),
+ end_level_label("End Lvl.", false),
right_saturation_slider(5, 10) , right_coeff_slider(5, 10),
left_saturation_slider(5, 10) , left_coeff_slider(5, 10),
deadband_slider(1, 10) , center_slider(5,10),
- right_saturation_label("right saturation", false),
- right_coeff_label("right coefficient", false),
- left_saturation_label("left saturation", false),
- left_coeff_label("left coefficient", false),
- condition_effect_label("condition effect"),
- deadband_label("deadband", false),
- center_label("center", false),
+ right_saturation_label("Right Saturation", false),
+ right_coeff_label("Right Coefficient", false),
+ left_saturation_label("Left Saturation", false),
+ left_coeff_label("Left Coefficient", false),
+ condition_effect_label("Condition Effect"),
+ deadband_label("Deadband", false),
+ center_label("Center", false),
period_slider(1, 10), magnitude_slider(5, 10),
offset_slider(0, 10), phase_slider(0, 10),
- periodic_effect_label("periodic effect"),
- period_label("period", false),
- magnitude_label("magnitude", false),
- offset_label("offset", false),
- phase_label("phase", false),
+ periodic_effect_label("Periodic Effect"),
+ period_label("Period", false),
+ magnitude_label("Magnitude", false),
+ offset_label("Offset", false),
+ phase_label("Phase", false),
strong_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
weak_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
- rumble_effect_label("rumble effect"),
- strong_magnitude_label("strong magnitude", false),
- weak_magnitude_label("weak magnitude", false),
+ rumble_effect_label("Rumble effect"),
+ strong_magnitude_label("Strong Magnitude", false),
+ weak_magnitude_label("Weak Magnitude", false),
gain_slider(10, 10),
- gain_label("gain")
+ gain_label("Gain"),
+ message_label("Ready.", false),
+ message_label_label("Status", false),
+ play_button(this),
+ stop_button(this),
+ last_haptic(NULL),
+ show_haptic(NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
- device_list.append_item(haptic_name[i]);
+ device_list.append_item(haptics[i].name);
d.add(device_label, 0, 1, 7, 1);
d.add(device_list , 0, 2, 7, 8);
@@ -306,9 +343,12 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
d.add(level_label , 0, 34, 3, 1);
d.add(level_slider , 4, 34, 6, 1);
+ d.add(message_label_label , 0, 36, 2, 1);
+ d.add(message_label , 2, 36, 12, 1);
- d.add(play_button , 6, 38, 3, 1);
- d.add(stop_button , 12, 38, 3, 1);
+ d.add(play_button , 6, 38, 3, 2);
+ d.add(stop_button , 12, 38, 3, 2);
@@ -330,22 +370,337 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
+#define TEST_CAP(CAP, FLAG) (((CAP) & (FLAG)) == (FLAG))
+void Prog::update() {
+ /* Update playing state and display. */
+ if(last_haptic && last_haptic->playing) {
+ if(!al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&last_haptic->id)) {
+ last_haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&last_haptic->id);
+ message_label.set_text("Done.");
+ play_button.set_disabled(false);
+ d.request_draw();
+ log_printf("Play done on %s\n", last_haptic->name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update availability of controls based on capabilities. */
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ Haptic * dev = haptics + devno;
+ if (dev && dev->haptic) {
+ if ( dev != show_haptic) {
+ /* Take a deep breath , here we go...*/
+ bool condition, envelope, periodic;
+ show_haptic = dev;
+ int cap = al_get_haptic_capabilities(show_haptic->haptic);
+ /* Gain capability */
+ gain_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
+ gain_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
+ /* Envelope related capabilities and sliders. */
+ envelope_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ /* Coordinate related capabilities. */
+ angle_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
+ angle_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
+ radius_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
+ radius_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
+ azimuth_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
+ azimuth_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
+ /* Condition effect related capabilities. */
+ condition = TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_DAMPER) ||
+ condition_effect_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ center_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ deadband_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ center_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ deadband_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ /* Constant effect related capabilities. */
+ constant_effect_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ /* Ramp effect capabilities. */
+ ramp_effect_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ start_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ start_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ end_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ end_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ /* Period effect capabilities. */
+ waveform_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ waveform_list.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ periodic_effect_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ period_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ magnitude_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ offset_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ phase_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ period_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ magnitude_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ offset_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ phase_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ /*Change list of supported effect types*/
+ type_list.clear_items();
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES; i ++) {
+ CapacityName * cn = capname + i;
+ if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
+ type_list.append_item(cn->name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Change list of supported wave form types. */
+ waveform_list.clear_items();
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i ++) {
+ CapacityName * cn = capname + i;
+ if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
+ waveform_list.append_item(cn->name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ play_button.set_disabled(true);
+ message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device.");
+ }
void Prog::run()
while (!d.is_quit_requested()) {
- if (d.is_draw_requested()) {
- al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(128, 128, 128));
+ update();
+ if (d.is_draw_requested()) {
+ al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(128, 148, 168));
+ on_stop(); /* Stop playing anything we were still playing. */
+int cap_for_name(const std::string& name) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ if (name == capname[i].name) {
+ return capname[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+const char * cap_to_name(int cap) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ if (cap == capname[i].value) {
+ return capname[i].name;
+ }
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+double slider_to_magnitude(const HSlider & slider) {
+ double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = (double) slider.get_max_value();
+ return value / max;
+double slider_to_duration(const HSlider & slider) {
+ double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = 1.0;
+ return value / max;
+double slider_to_angle(const HSlider & slider) {
+ double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = (double) slider.get_max_value();
+ return value / max;
+void Prog::get_envelope(ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ENVELOPE * envelope) {
+ if(!envelope) return;
+ envelope->attack_length = slider_to_duration(attack_length_slider);
+ envelope->fade_length = slider_to_duration(fade_length_slider);
+ envelope->attack_level = slider_to_magnitude(attack_level_slider);
+ envelope->fade_level = slider_to_magnitude(fade_level_slider);
+void Prog::on_play() {
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
+ message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device!");
+ log_printf("No such device: %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ Haptic * haptic = haptics + devno;
+ if (!haptic || !haptic->haptic) {
+ log_printf("Device is NULL: %d\n", devno);
+ message_label.set_text("Device Is NULL!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!al_get_haptic_active(haptic->haptic)) {
+ message_label.set_text("Device Not Active!");
+ log_printf("Device is not active: %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Stop playing previous effect. */
+ if (haptic->playing) {
+ al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ }
+ /* First set gain. */
+ double gain = slider_to_magnitude(gain_slider);
+ al_set_haptic_gain(haptic->haptic, gain);
+ /* Now fill in the effect struct. */
+ int type = cap_for_name(type_list.get_selected_item_text());
+ int wavetype = cap_for_name (waveform_list.get_selected_item_text());
+ if (type < 0) {
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
+ log_printf("Unknown effect type: %d on %s\n", type, haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (wavetype < 0) {
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Wave Form!");
+ log_printf("Unknown wave type: %d on %s\n", wavetype, haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ haptic->effect.type = type;
+ haptic->effect.replay.delay = slider_to_duration(delay_slider);
+ haptic->effect.replay.length = slider_to_duration(length_slider);
+ int loops = loops_slider.get_cur_value();
+ haptic->effect.direction.angle = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
+ haptic->effect.direction.radius = slider_to_magnitude(angle_slider);
+ haptic->effect.direction.azimuth = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
+ switch (type) {
+ haptic->effect.data.rumble.strong_magnitude =
+ slider_to_magnitude(strong_magnitude_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.rumble.weak_magnitude =
+ slider_to_magnitude(weak_magnitude_slider);
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.periodic.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.waveform = wavetype;
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.magnitude = slider_to_magnitude(magnitude_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.period = slider_to_duration(period_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.offset = slider_to_duration(offset_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.phase = slider_to_duration(phase_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_len = 0;
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_data= NULL;
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.constant.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.constant.level = slider_to_magnitude(level_slider);
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.ramp.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.ramp.start_level = slider_to_magnitude(start_level_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.ramp.end_level = slider_to_magnitude(end_level_slider);
+ break;
+ case ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_INERTIA: /* fall through. */
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.right_saturation =
+ slider_to_magnitude(right_saturation_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.left_saturation =
+ slider_to_magnitude(left_saturation_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.right_coeff =
+ slider_to_magnitude(right_coeff_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.left_coeff =
+ slider_to_magnitude(left_coeff_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.deadband =
+ slider_to_magnitude(deadband_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.center =
+ slider_to_magnitude(center_slider);
+ /* XXX, need a different conversion function here, but I don't have a
+ * controller that supports condition effects anyway... :p
+ */
+ break;
+ default:
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
+ log_printf("Unknown effect type %d %d\n", devno, type);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!al_is_haptic_effect_ok(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect)) {
+ message_label.set_text("Effect Not Supported!");
+ log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s not supported\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ haptic->playing = al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect,
+ loops, &haptic->id);
+ if(haptic->playing) {
+ message_label.set_text("Playing...");
+ log_printf("Started playing effect type %s on %s\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
+ last_haptic = haptic;
+ } else {
+ message_label.set_text("Playing of effect failed!");
+ log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s failed\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
+ }
+ play_button.set_disabled(true);
+void Prog::on_stop() {
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
+ log_printf("No such device %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ Haptic * haptic = haptics + devno;
+ if (haptic->playing && al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&haptic->id)) {
+ al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ log_printf("Stopped device %d: %s\n", devno, haptic->name);
+ }
+ message_label.set_text("Stopped.");
+ play_button.set_disabled(false);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -373,7 +728,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
abort_example("Unable to create display\n");
font = al_create_builtin_font();
if (!font) {
abort_example("Failed to create builtin font.\n");
@@ -389,17 +743,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
num_haptics = 0;
if(al_is_display_haptic(al_get_current_display())) {
- haptics[num_haptics] = al_get_haptic_from_display(al_get_current_display());
- haptic_name[num_haptics]= (char *)"display";
- num_haptics++;
+ haptics[num_haptics].haptic = al_get_haptic_from_display(al_get_current_display());
+ if(haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)"display";
+ haptics[num_haptics].playing = false;
+ num_haptics++;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < al_get_num_joysticks(); i++) {
ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK * joy = al_get_joystick(i);
if(al_is_joystick_haptic(joy)) {
- haptics[num_haptics] = al_get_haptic_from_joystick(joy);
- haptic_name[num_haptics]= (char *)al_get_joystick_name(joy);
- num_haptics++;
+ haptics[num_haptics].haptic = al_get_haptic_from_joystick(joy);
+ if(haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)al_get_joystick_name(joy);
+ haptics[num_haptics].playing = false;
+ num_haptics++;
+ }
@@ -411,7 +771,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
- al_release_haptic(haptics[i]);
+ al_release_haptic(haptics[i].haptic);
diff --git a/examples/nihgui.cpp b/examples/nihgui.cpp
index 2d5c8c4..d81fe0c 100644
--- a/examples/nihgui.cpp
+++ b/examples/nihgui.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
+#include <allegro5/color.h>
#include "allegro5/allegro.h"
#include "allegro5/allegro_font.h"
#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ Widget::Widget():
- y2(0)
+ y2(0),
+ disabled(false)
@@ -371,14 +373,16 @@ void Label::draw()
const Theme & theme = this->dialog->get_theme();
SaveState state;
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR fg = theme.fg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { fg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
if (centred) {
- al_draw_text(theme.font, theme.fg, (this->x1 + this->x2 + 1)/2,
+ al_draw_text(theme.font, fg, (this->x1 + this->x2 + 1)/2,
this->y1, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, this->text.c_str());
else {
- al_draw_text(theme.font, theme.fg, this->x1, this->y1, 0, this->text.c_str());
+ al_draw_text(theme.font, fg, this->x1, this->y1, 0, this->text.c_str());
@@ -402,6 +406,7 @@ Button::Button(std::string text):
void Button::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
this->pushed = true;
@@ -410,6 +415,7 @@ void Button::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
void Button::on_mouse_button_up(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
this->pushed = false;
@@ -422,6 +428,7 @@ void Button::draw()
SaveState state;
+ double y;
if (this->pushed) {
fg = theme.bg;
@@ -431,14 +438,21 @@ void Button::draw()
fg = theme.fg;
bg = theme.bg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { bg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
al_draw_filled_rectangle(this->x1, this->y1,
this->x2, this->y2, bg);
al_draw_rectangle(this->x1 + 0.5, this->y1 + 0.5,
this->x2 - 0.5, this->y2 - 0.5, fg, 0);
+ /* Center the text vertically in the button, taking the font size
+ into consideration. */
+ y = (this->y1 + this->y2 - al_get_font_line_height(theme.font) - 1) / 2;
al_draw_text(theme.font, fg, (this->x1 + this->x2 + 1)/2,
- this->y1, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, this->text.c_str());
+ y, ALLEGRO_ALIGN_CENTRE, this->text.c_str());
bool Button::get_pushed()
@@ -455,6 +469,8 @@ ToggleButton::ToggleButton(std::string text) :
void ToggleButton::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
@@ -462,6 +478,8 @@ void ToggleButton::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
void ToggleButton::on_mouse_button_up(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
@@ -486,12 +504,14 @@ List::List(int initial_selection) :
bool List::want_key_focus()
- return true;
+ return !is_disabled();
void List::on_key_down(const ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_EVENT & event)
- switch (event.keycode) {
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
+ switch (event.keycode) {
if (selected_item < items.size() - 1) {
@@ -510,6 +530,8 @@ void List::on_key_down(const ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_EVENT & event)
void List::on_click(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
const Theme & theme = dialog->get_theme();
unsigned int i = (my - this->y1) / al_get_font_line_height(theme.font);
if (i < this->items.size()) {
@@ -525,8 +547,10 @@ void List::draw()
const Theme & theme = dialog->get_theme();
SaveState state;
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR bg = theme.bg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { bg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
- al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1, theme.bg);
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 - 1, y2 - 1, bg);
const int font_height = al_get_font_line_height(theme.font);
@@ -576,11 +600,15 @@ VSlider::VSlider(int cur_value, int max_value) :
void VSlider::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
this->on_mouse_button_hold(mx, my);
void VSlider::on_mouse_button_hold(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
double r = (double) (this->y2 - 1 - my) / (this->height() - 2);
r = CLAMP(0.0, r, 1.0);
cur_value = (int) (r * max_value);
@@ -592,11 +620,14 @@ void VSlider::on_mouse_button_hold(int mx, int my)
void VSlider::draw()
const Theme & theme = dialog->get_theme();
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR bg = theme.fg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { bg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
float left = x1 + 0.5, top = y1 + 0.5;
float right = x2 + 0.5, bottom = y2 + 0.5;
SaveState state;
- al_draw_rectangle(left, top, right, bottom, theme.fg, 1);
+ al_draw_rectangle(left, top, right, bottom, bg, 1);
double ratio = (double) this->cur_value / (double) this->max_value;
int ypos = (int) (bottom - 0.5 - (int) (ratio * (height() - 7)));
@@ -608,6 +639,11 @@ int VSlider::get_cur_value() const
return this->cur_value;
+int VSlider::get_max_value() const
+ return this->max_value;
void VSlider::set_cur_value(int v)
this->cur_value = v;
@@ -623,11 +659,15 @@ HSlider::HSlider(int cur_value, int max_value) :
void HSlider::on_mouse_button_down(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
this->on_mouse_button_hold(mx, my);
void HSlider::on_mouse_button_hold(int mx, int my)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
double r = (double) (mx - 1 - this->x1) / (this->width() - 2);
r = CLAMP(0.0, r, 1.0);
cur_value = (int) (r * max_value);
@@ -641,8 +681,11 @@ void HSlider::draw()
const Theme & theme = dialog->get_theme();
const int cy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
SaveState state;
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR bg = theme.bg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { bg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
- al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, theme.bg);
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, bg);
al_draw_line(x1, cy, x2, cy, theme.fg, 0);
double ratio = (double) this->cur_value / (double) this->max_value;
@@ -655,6 +698,11 @@ int HSlider::get_cur_value() const
return this->cur_value;
+int HSlider::get_max_value() const
+ return this->max_value;
void HSlider::set_cur_value(int v)
this->cur_value = v;
@@ -677,7 +725,7 @@ TextEntry::~TextEntry()
bool TextEntry::want_key_focus()
- return true;
+ return !is_disabled();
void TextEntry::got_key_focus()
@@ -694,6 +742,8 @@ void TextEntry::lost_key_focus()
void TextEntry::on_key_down(const ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_EVENT & event)
+ if (is_disabled()) return;
switch (event.keycode) {
al_ustr_prev(text, &cursor_pos);
@@ -758,8 +808,12 @@ void TextEntry::draw()
const Theme & theme = dialog->get_theme();
SaveState state;
+ ALLEGRO_COLOR bg = theme.bg;
+ if(is_disabled()) { bg = al_map_rgb(64, 64, 64); }
- al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, theme.bg);
+ al_draw_filled_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, bg);
diff --git a/examples/nihgui.hpp b/examples/nihgui.hpp
index 5bf8b08..216c9d6 100644
--- a/examples/nihgui.hpp
+++ b/examples/nihgui.hpp
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ protected:
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;
+ bool disabled;
@@ -62,6 +64,8 @@ public:
(void)event; }
virtual void draw() = 0;
+ virtual void set_disabled(bool value) { disabled = value; }
+ virtual bool is_disabled() { return disabled; }
friend class Dialog;
@@ -84,6 +88,7 @@ private:
bool draw_requested;
bool quit_requested;
std::list<Widget *> all_widgets;
Widget * mouse_over_widget;
Widget * mouse_down_widget;
@@ -189,6 +194,7 @@ public:
virtual void on_mouse_button_hold(int mx, int my);
virtual void draw();
+ int get_max_value() const;
int get_cur_value() const;
void set_cur_value(int v);
@@ -205,6 +211,7 @@ public:
virtual void on_mouse_button_hold(int mx, int my);
virtual void draw();
+ int get_max_value() const;
int get_cur_value() const;
void set_cur_value(int v);
From 0101a91dc12bd4467a4f1636a1653ef227928ef3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 19:07:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Show the log, use a ttf font for better legibility, and
some small fixes.
examples/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 29 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index bf6b31d..cab0c70 100644
--- a/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ example(ex_fs_window ${IMAGE} ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_icon ${IMAGE})
example(ex_icon2 ${IMAGE})
example(ex_haptic ${PRIM})
-example(ex_haptic2 ex_haptic2.cpp ${NIHGUI} ${PRIM} ${FONT})
+example(ex_haptic2 ex_haptic2.cpp ${NIHGUI} ${IMAGE} ${TTF} ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_joystick_events ${PRIM} ${FONT})
example(ex_joystick_hotplugging ${PRIM})
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index 0850637..2c4b598 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
#include "allegro5/allegro_font.h"
#include "allegro5/allegro_image.h"
-#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
+#include "allegro5/allegro_primitives.h"
+#include "allegro5/allegro_ttf.h"
#include "common.c"
@@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
level_label("Level", false),
start_level_slider(3, 10), end_level_slider(7, 10),
ramp_effect_label("Ramp Effect"),
- start_level_label("Start Lvl.", false),
- end_level_label("End Lvl.", false),
+ start_level_label("Start Level", false),
+ end_level_label("End Level", false),
right_saturation_slider(5, 10) , right_coeff_slider(5, 10),
left_saturation_slider(5, 10) , left_coeff_slider(5, 10),
deadband_slider(1, 10) , center_slider(5,10),
@@ -721,6 +722,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ al_init_image_addon();
+ al_init_ttf_addon();
display = al_create_display(800, 600);
@@ -728,17 +731,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
abort_example("Unable to create display\n");
- font = al_create_builtin_font();
+ open_log();
+ font = al_load_font("data/DejaVuSans.ttf", 11, 0);
if (!font) {
- abort_example("Failed to create builtin font.\n");
+ log_printf("Failed to load data/DejaVuSans.ttf\n");
+ font = al_create_builtin_font();
+ if (!font) {
+ abort_example("Could not create builtin font.\n");
+ }
- /*
- font = al_load_font("data/fixed_font.tga", 0, 0);
- if (!font) {
- abort_example("Failed to load data/fixed_font.tga\n");
- }
- */
num_haptics = 0;
@@ -773,6 +778,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
+ close_log(false);
From a9b27a15bb64a25d3f3686fb1a370688e5e5d003 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 19:10:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Show the log, use a ttf font for better legibility, and
some small fixes.
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 3 ---
1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index 2c4b598..7490617 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -742,9 +742,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
num_haptics = 0;
if(al_is_display_haptic(al_get_current_display())) {
From b109ba23f8c820182922df99c5701306184db351 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 19:14:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Indent ex_haptic2.cpp
examples/ex_haptic2.cpp | 1152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 580 insertions(+), 572 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
index 7490617..121c769 100644
--- a/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
+++ b/examples/ex_haptic2.cpp
@@ -19,45 +19,47 @@
-struct Haptic {
- ALLEGRO_HAPTIC * haptic;
- const char * name;
- bool playing;
+struct Haptic
+ const char *name;
+ bool playing;
-Haptic haptics[EX_HAPTIC2_MAX_HAPTICS];
-int num_haptics = 0;
+Haptic haptics[EX_HAPTIC2_MAX_HAPTICS];
+int num_haptics = 0;
/* Haptic * last_haptic = NULL; */
-struct CapacityName {
- int value;
- const char * name;
+struct CapacityName
+ int value;
+ const char *name;
CapacityName capname[] = {
@@ -74,109 +76,119 @@ CapacityName capname[] = {
-class CanStopAndPlay {
- public:
+class CanStopAndPlay
+ public:
virtual void on_play() = 0;
virtual void on_stop() = 0;
-class PlayButton : public Button {
- CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
- PlayButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp) : Button("Play") , stop_and_play(snp) {}
+class PlayButton:public Button
+ protected:
+ CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
+ public:
+ PlayButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp):Button("Play"), stop_and_play(snp)
+ {
+ }
void on_click(int mx, int my);
void PlayButton::on_click(int, int)
- if (is_disabled()) return;
+ if (is_disabled())
+ return;
log_printf("Start playing...\n");
- if(stop_and_play) {
+ if (stop_and_play) {
-class StopButton : public Button {
- CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
- StopButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp) : Button("Stop") , stop_and_play(snp) {}
+class StopButton:public Button
+ protected:
+ CanStopAndPlay * stop_and_play;
+ public:
+ StopButton(CanStopAndPlay * snp):Button("Stop"), stop_and_play(snp)
+ {
+ }
void on_click(int mx, int my);
void StopButton::on_click(int, int)
- if (is_disabled()) return;
+ if (is_disabled())
+ return;
log_printf("Stop playing...\n");
- if(stop_and_play) {
+ if (stop_and_play) {
-class Prog : public CanStopAndPlay {
- private:
- Dialog d;
- List device_list;
- List type_list;
- List waveform_list;
- Label device_label;
+class Prog:public CanStopAndPlay
+ private:
+ Dialog d;
+ List device_list;
+ List type_list;
+ List waveform_list;
+ Label device_label;
Label type_label;
Label waveform_label;
HSlider length_slider, delay_slider, loops_slider;
Label replay_label, length_label, delay_label, loops_label;
HSlider attack_length_slider, attack_level_slider;
HSlider fade_length_slider, fade_level_slider;
Label envelope_label, attack_length_label, attack_level_label;
Label fade_length_label, fade_level_label;
HSlider angle_slider, radius_slider, azimuth_slider;
- Label coordinates_label, angle_label , radius_label , azimuth_label;
+ Label coordinates_label, angle_label, radius_label, azimuth_label;
HSlider level_slider;
- Label constant_effect_label, level_label;
+ Label constant_effect_label, level_label;
HSlider start_level_slider, end_level_slider;
Label ramp_effect_label, start_level_label, end_level_label;
HSlider right_saturation_slider, right_coeff_slider;
- HSlider left_saturation_slider , left_coeff_slider;
- HSlider deadband_slider , center_slider;
+ HSlider left_saturation_slider, left_coeff_slider;
+ HSlider deadband_slider, center_slider;
Label right_saturation_label, right_coeff_label;
- Label left_saturation_label , left_coeff_label;
+ Label left_saturation_label, left_coeff_label;
Label condition_effect_label, deadband_label, center_label;
HSlider period_slider, magnitude_slider, offset_slider, phase_slider;
- Label periodic_effect_label;
+ Label periodic_effect_label;
Label period_label, magnitude_label, offset_label, phase_label;
HSlider strong_magnitude_slider, weak_magnitude_slider;
Label rumble_effect_label, strong_magnitude_label, weak_magnitude_label;
HSlider gain_slider;
Label gain_label;
Label message_label, message_label_label;
PlayButton play_button;
StopButton stop_button;
- Haptic * last_haptic;
- Haptic * show_haptic;
- Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display);
+ Haptic *last_haptic;
+ Haptic *show_haptic;
+ public:
+ Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY * display);
void run();
void update();
virtual void on_play();
@@ -185,180 +197,153 @@ public:
-Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
- d(Dialog(theme, display, 20, 40)),
- device_list(0),
- type_list(0),
- waveform_list(0),
- device_label("Haptic Device"),
- type_label("Haptic Effect Type"),
- waveform_label("Wave Form Periodic Effect"),
- length_slider(1, 10),
- delay_slider(1, 10),
- loops_slider(1, 10),
- replay_label("Replay"),
- length_label("Length", false),
- delay_label("Delay", false),
- loops_label("Loops"),
- attack_length_slider(2, 10),
- attack_level_slider(4, 10),
- fade_length_slider(2, 10),
- fade_level_slider(4, 10),
- envelope_label("Envelope"),
- attack_length_label("Attack Length", false),
- attack_level_label("Attack Level", false),
- fade_length_label("Fade Length", false),
- fade_level_label("Fade Level", false),
- angle_slider(0, 360), radius_slider(0, 10), azimuth_slider(180, 360),
- coordinates_label("Coordinates"),
- angle_label("Angle", false),
- radius_label("Radius", false),
- azimuth_label("Azimuth", false),
- level_slider(5, 10),
- constant_effect_label("Constant Effect"),
- level_label("Level", false),
- start_level_slider(3, 10), end_level_slider(7, 10),
- ramp_effect_label("Ramp Effect"),
- start_level_label("Start Level", false),
- end_level_label("End Level", false),
- right_saturation_slider(5, 10) , right_coeff_slider(5, 10),
- left_saturation_slider(5, 10) , left_coeff_slider(5, 10),
- deadband_slider(1, 10) , center_slider(5,10),
- right_saturation_label("Right Saturation", false),
- right_coeff_label("Right Coefficient", false),
- left_saturation_label("Left Saturation", false),
- left_coeff_label("Left Coefficient", false),
- condition_effect_label("Condition Effect"),
- deadband_label("Deadband", false),
- center_label("Center", false),
- period_slider(1, 10), magnitude_slider(5, 10),
- offset_slider(0, 10), phase_slider(0, 10),
- periodic_effect_label("Periodic Effect"),
- period_label("Period", false),
- magnitude_label("Magnitude", false),
- offset_label("Offset", false),
- phase_label("Phase", false),
- strong_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
- weak_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
- rumble_effect_label("Rumble effect"),
- strong_magnitude_label("Strong Magnitude", false),
- weak_magnitude_label("Weak Magnitude", false),
- gain_slider(10, 10),
- gain_label("Gain"),
- message_label("Ready.", false),
- message_label_label("Status", false),
- play_button(this),
- stop_button(this),
- last_haptic(NULL),
- show_haptic(NULL)
+Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme,
+ ALLEGRO_DISPLAY * display):d(Dialog(theme, display, 20, 40)),
+device_list(0), type_list(0), waveform_list(0), device_label("Haptic Device"),
+type_label("Haptic Effect Type"), waveform_label("Wave Form Periodic Effect"),
+length_slider(1, 10), delay_slider(1, 10), loops_slider(1, 10),
+replay_label("Replay"), length_label("Length", false), delay_label("Delay",
+ false),
+loops_label("Loops"), attack_length_slider(2, 10), attack_level_slider(4, 10),
+fade_length_slider(2, 10), fade_level_slider(4, 10), envelope_label("Envelope"),
+attack_length_label("Attack Length", false), attack_level_label("Attack Level",
+ false),
+fade_length_label("Fade Length", false), fade_level_label("Fade Level", false),
+angle_slider(0, 360), radius_slider(0, 10), azimuth_slider(180, 360),
+coordinates_label("Coordinates"), angle_label("Angle", false),
+radius_label("Radius", false), azimuth_label("Azimuth", false), level_slider(5,
+ 10),
+constant_effect_label("Constant Effect"), level_label("Level", false),
+start_level_slider(3, 10), end_level_slider(7, 10),
+ramp_effect_label("Ramp Effect"), start_level_label("Start Level", false),
+end_level_label("End Level", false), right_saturation_slider(5, 10),
+right_coeff_slider(5, 10), left_saturation_slider(5, 10), left_coeff_slider(5,
+ 10),
+deadband_slider(1, 10), center_slider(5, 10),
+right_saturation_label("Right Saturation", false),
+right_coeff_label("Right Coefficient", false),
+left_saturation_label("Left Saturation", false),
+left_coeff_label("Left Coefficient", false),
+condition_effect_label("Condition Effect"), deadband_label("Deadband", false),
+center_label("Center", false), period_slider(1, 10), magnitude_slider(5, 10),
+offset_slider(0, 10), phase_slider(0, 10),
+periodic_effect_label("Periodic Effect"), period_label("Period", false),
+magnitude_label("Magnitude", false), offset_label("Offset", false),
+phase_label("Phase", false), strong_magnitude_slider(5, 10),
+weak_magnitude_slider(5, 10), rumble_effect_label("Rumble effect"),
+strong_magnitude_label("Strong Magnitude", false),
+weak_magnitude_label("Weak Magnitude", false), gain_slider(10, 10),
+gain_label("Gain"), message_label("Ready.", false),
+message_label_label("Status", false), play_button(this), stop_button(this),
+last_haptic(NULL), show_haptic(NULL)
- for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
- device_list.append_item(haptics[i].name);
- }
- d.add(device_label, 0, 1, 7, 1);
- d.add(device_list , 0, 2, 7, 8);
- for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES ; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES ; i++) {
- type_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
- }
- d.add(type_label, 7, 1, 6, 1);
- d.add(type_list , 7, 2, 6, 8);
- for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES ; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES ; i++) {
- waveform_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
- }
- d.add(waveform_label, 13, 1, 7, 1);
- d.add(waveform_list , 13, 2, 7, 8);
- d.add(replay_label , 0, 11 , 7, 1);
- d.add(length_label , 0, 12 , 2, 1);
- d.add(length_slider, 2, 12 , 5, 1);
- d.add(delay_label , 0, 13 , 2, 1);
- d.add(delay_slider , 2, 13 , 5, 1);
- d.add(loops_label , 7, 11, 7, 1);
- d.add(loops_slider , 7, 12, 6, 1);
- d.add(gain_label , 13, 11, 7, 1);
- d.add(gain_slider , 13, 12, 7, 1);
- d.add(envelope_label , 0, 15, 9, 1);
- d.add(attack_length_label , 0, 16, 3, 1);
- d.add(attack_length_slider , 4, 16, 6, 1);
- d.add(attack_level_label , 0, 17, 3, 1);
- d.add(attack_level_slider , 4, 17, 6, 1);
- d.add(fade_length_label , 0, 18, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_length_slider , 4, 18, 6, 1);
- d.add(fade_level_label , 0, 19, 3, 1);
- d.add(fade_level_slider , 4, 19, 6, 1);
- d.add(coordinates_label , 11, 15, 9, 1);
- d.add(angle_label , 11, 16, 2, 1);
- d.add(angle_slider , 13, 16, 7, 1);
- d.add(radius_label , 11, 17, 2, 1);
- d.add(radius_slider , 13, 17, 7, 1);
- d.add(azimuth_label , 11, 18, 2, 1);
- d.add(azimuth_slider , 13, 18, 7, 1);
- d.add(condition_effect_label , 0, 21, 9, 1);
- d.add(right_coeff_label , 0, 22, 4, 1);
- d.add(right_coeff_slider , 4, 22, 6, 1);
- d.add(right_saturation_label , 0, 23, 4, 1);
- d.add(right_saturation_slider, 4, 23, 6, 1);
- d.add(left_coeff_label , 0, 24, 4, 1);
- d.add(left_coeff_slider , 4, 24, 6, 1);
- d.add(left_saturation_label , 0, 25, 4, 1);
- d.add(left_saturation_slider , 4, 25, 6, 1);
- d.add(deadband_label , 0, 26, 4, 1);
- d.add(deadband_slider , 4, 26, 6, 1);
- d.add(center_label , 0, 27, 4, 1);
- d.add(center_slider , 4, 27, 6, 1);
- d.add(periodic_effect_label , 11, 21, 9, 1);
- d.add(period_label , 11, 22, 2, 1);
- d.add(period_slider , 13, 22, 7, 1);
- d.add(magnitude_label , 11, 23, 2, 1);
- d.add(magnitude_slider , 13, 23, 7, 1);
- d.add(offset_label , 11, 24, 2, 1);
- d.add(offset_slider , 13, 24, 7, 1);
- d.add(phase_label , 11, 25, 2, 1);
- d.add(phase_slider , 13, 25, 7, 1);
- d.add(ramp_effect_label , 11, 29, 9, 1);
- d.add(start_level_label , 11, 30, 2, 1);
- d.add(start_level_slider , 13, 30, 7, 1);
- d.add(end_level_label , 11, 31, 2, 1);
- d.add(end_level_slider , 13, 31, 7, 1);
- d.add(rumble_effect_label , 0, 29, 9, 1);
- d.add(strong_magnitude_label , 0, 30, 4, 1);
- d.add(strong_magnitude_slider, 4, 30, 6, 1);
- d.add(weak_magnitude_label , 0, 31, 4, 1);
- d.add(weak_magnitude_slider , 4, 31, 6, 1);
- d.add(constant_effect_label , 0, 33, 9, 1);
- d.add(level_label , 0, 34, 3, 1);
- d.add(level_slider , 4, 34, 6, 1);
- d.add(message_label_label , 0, 36, 2, 1);
- d.add(message_label , 2, 36, 12, 1);
- d.add(play_button , 6, 38, 3, 2);
- d.add(stop_button , 12, 38, 3, 2);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
+ device_list.append_item(haptics[i].name);
+ }
+ d.add(device_label, 0, 1, 7, 1);
+ d.add(device_list, 0, 2, 7, 8);
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES; i++) {
+ type_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
+ }
+ d.add(type_label, 7, 1, 6, 1);
+ d.add(type_list, 7, 2, 6, 8);
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ waveform_list.append_item(capname[i].name);
+ }
+ d.add(waveform_label, 13, 1, 7, 1);
+ d.add(waveform_list, 13, 2, 7, 8);
+ d.add(replay_label, 0, 11, 7, 1);
+ d.add(length_label, 0, 12, 2, 1);
+ d.add(length_slider, 2, 12, 5, 1);
+ d.add(delay_label, 0, 13, 2, 1);
+ d.add(delay_slider, 2, 13, 5, 1);
+ d.add(loops_label, 7, 11, 7, 1);
+ d.add(loops_slider, 7, 12, 6, 1);
+ d.add(gain_label, 13, 11, 7, 1);
+ d.add(gain_slider, 13, 12, 7, 1);
+ d.add(envelope_label, 0, 15, 9, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_label, 0, 16, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_length_slider, 4, 16, 6, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_label, 0, 17, 3, 1);
+ d.add(attack_level_slider, 4, 17, 6, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_label, 0, 18, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_length_slider, 4, 18, 6, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_label, 0, 19, 3, 1);
+ d.add(fade_level_slider, 4, 19, 6, 1);
+ d.add(coordinates_label, 11, 15, 9, 1);
+ d.add(angle_label, 11, 16, 2, 1);
+ d.add(angle_slider, 13, 16, 7, 1);
+ d.add(radius_label, 11, 17, 2, 1);
+ d.add(radius_slider, 13, 17, 7, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_label, 11, 18, 2, 1);
+ d.add(azimuth_slider, 13, 18, 7, 1);
+ d.add(condition_effect_label, 0, 21, 9, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_label, 0, 22, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_coeff_slider, 4, 22, 6, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_label, 0, 23, 4, 1);
+ d.add(right_saturation_slider, 4, 23, 6, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_label, 0, 24, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_coeff_slider, 4, 24, 6, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_label, 0, 25, 4, 1);
+ d.add(left_saturation_slider, 4, 25, 6, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_label, 0, 26, 4, 1);
+ d.add(deadband_slider, 4, 26, 6, 1);
+ d.add(center_label, 0, 27, 4, 1);
+ d.add(center_slider, 4, 27, 6, 1);
+ d.add(periodic_effect_label, 11, 21, 9, 1);
+ d.add(period_label, 11, 22, 2, 1);
+ d.add(period_slider, 13, 22, 7, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_label, 11, 23, 2, 1);
+ d.add(magnitude_slider, 13, 23, 7, 1);
+ d.add(offset_label, 11, 24, 2, 1);
+ d.add(offset_slider, 13, 24, 7, 1);
+ d.add(phase_label, 11, 25, 2, 1);
+ d.add(phase_slider, 13, 25, 7, 1);
+ d.add(ramp_effect_label, 11, 29, 9, 1);
+ d.add(start_level_label, 11, 30, 2, 1);
+ d.add(start_level_slider, 13, 30, 7, 1);
+ d.add(end_level_label, 11, 31, 2, 1);
+ d.add(end_level_slider, 13, 31, 7, 1);
+ d.add(rumble_effect_label, 0, 29, 9, 1);
+ d.add(strong_magnitude_label, 0, 30, 4, 1);
+ d.add(strong_magnitude_slider, 4, 30, 6, 1);
+ d.add(weak_magnitude_label, 0, 31, 4, 1);
+ d.add(weak_magnitude_slider, 4, 31, 6, 1);
+ d.add(constant_effect_label, 0, 33, 9, 1);
+ d.add(level_label, 0, 34, 3, 1);
+ d.add(level_slider, 4, 34, 6, 1);
+ d.add(message_label_label, 0, 36, 2, 1);
+ d.add(message_label, 2, 36, 12, 1);
+ d.add(play_button, 6, 38, 3, 2);
+ d.add(stop_button, 12, 38, 3, 2);
- rgba_label[0] = Label("Source tint/color RGBA");
- rgba_label[1] = Label("Dest tint/color RGBA");
- d.add(rgba_label[0], 1, 34, 5, 1);
- d.add(rgba_label[1], 7, 34, 5, 1);
+ rgba_label[0] = Label("Source tint/color RGBA");
+ rgba_label[1] = Label("Dest tint/color RGBA");
+ d.add(rgba_label[0], 1, 34, 5, 1);
+ d.add(rgba_label[1], 7, 34, 5, 1);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
r[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
g[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
b[i] = HSlider(255, 255);
@@ -367,132 +352,135 @@ Prog::Prog(const Theme & theme, ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display) :
d.add(g[i], 1 + i * 6, 36, 5, 1);
d.add(b[i], 1 + i * 6, 37, 5, 1);
d.add(a[i], 1 + i * 6, 38, 5, 1);
- }
- */
+ }
+ */
#define TEST_CAP(CAP, FLAG) (((CAP) & (FLAG)) == (FLAG))
-void Prog::update() {
- /* Update playing state and display. */
- if(last_haptic && last_haptic->playing) {
- if(!al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&last_haptic->id)) {
- last_haptic->playing = false;
- al_release_haptic_effect(&last_haptic->id);
- message_label.set_text("Done.");
- play_button.set_disabled(false);
- d.request_draw();
- log_printf("Play done on %s\n", last_haptic->name);
- }
- }
- /* Update availability of controls based on capabilities. */
- int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
- Haptic * dev = haptics + devno;
- if (dev && dev->haptic) {
- if ( dev != show_haptic) {
- /* Take a deep breath , here we go...*/
- bool condition, envelope, periodic;
- show_haptic = dev;
- int cap = al_get_haptic_capabilities(show_haptic->haptic);
- /* Gain capability */
- gain_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
- gain_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
- /* Envelope related capabilities and sliders. */
- envelope_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
- attack_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
- attack_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
- fade_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
- fade_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
- attack_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
- attack_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
- fade_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
- fade_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
- /* Coordinate related capabilities. */
- angle_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
- angle_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
- radius_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
- radius_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
- azimuth_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
- azimuth_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
- /* Condition effect related capabilities. */
- condition = TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_DAMPER) ||
- condition_effect_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- right_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- left_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- right_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- left_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- center_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- deadband_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
- right_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- left_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- right_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- left_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- center_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- deadband_label.set_disabled(!condition);
- /* Constant effect related capabilities. */
- constant_effect_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
- level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
- level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
- /* Ramp effect capabilities. */
- ramp_effect_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
- start_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
- start_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
- end_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
- end_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
- /* Period effect capabilities. */
- waveform_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- waveform_list.set_disabled(!periodic);
- periodic_effect_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- period_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
- magnitude_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
- offset_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
- phase_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
- period_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- magnitude_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- offset_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- phase_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
- /*Change list of supported effect types*/
- type_list.clear_items();
- for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES; i ++) {
- CapacityName * cn = capname + i;
- if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
- type_list.append_item(cn->name);
- }
+void Prog::update()
+ /* Update playing state and display. */
+ if (last_haptic && last_haptic->playing) {
+ if (!al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&last_haptic->id)) {
+ last_haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&last_haptic->id);
+ message_label.set_text("Done.");
+ play_button.set_disabled(false);
+ d.request_draw();
+ log_printf("Play done on %s\n", last_haptic->name);
- /* Change list of supported wave form types. */
- waveform_list.clear_items();
- for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i ++) {
- CapacityName * cn = capname + i;
- if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
- waveform_list.append_item(cn->name);
- }
+ }
+ /* Update availability of controls based on capabilities. */
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ Haptic *dev = haptics + devno;
+ if (dev && dev->haptic) {
+ if (dev != show_haptic) {
+ /* Take a deep breath , here we go... */
+ bool condition, envelope, periodic;
+ show_haptic = dev;
+ int cap = al_get_haptic_capabilities(show_haptic->haptic);
+ /* Gain capability */
+ gain_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
+ gain_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_GAIN));
+ /* Envelope related capabilities and sliders. */
+ envelope_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_level_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_length_slider.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ attack_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_level_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ fade_length_label.set_disabled(!envelope);
+ /* Coordinate related capabilities. */
+ angle_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
+ angle_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ANGLE));
+ radius_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
+ radius_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RADIUS));
+ azimuth_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
+ azimuth_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_AZIMUTH));
+ /* Condition effect related capabilities. */
+ condition = TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_DAMPER) ||
+ condition_effect_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_coeff_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_saturation_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ center_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ deadband_slider.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_coeff_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ right_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ left_saturation_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ center_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ deadband_label.set_disabled(!condition);
+ /* Constant effect related capabilities. */
+ constant_effect_label.
+ set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_CONSTANT));
+ /* Ramp effect capabilities. */
+ ramp_effect_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ start_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ start_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ end_level_slider.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ end_level_label.set_disabled(!TEST_CAP(cap, ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_RAMP));
+ /* Period effect capabilities. */
+ waveform_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ waveform_list.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ periodic_effect_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ period_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ magnitude_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ offset_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ phase_slider.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ period_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ magnitude_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ offset_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ phase_label.set_disabled(!periodic);
+ /*Change list of supported effect types */
+ type_list.clear_items();
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_TYPES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_TYPES; i++) {
+ CapacityName *cn = capname + i;
+ if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
+ type_list.append_item(cn->name);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Change list of supported wave form types. */
+ waveform_list.clear_items();
+ for (int i = EX_HAPTIC2_START_WAVES; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ CapacityName *cn = capname + i;
+ if (TEST_CAP(cap, cn->value)) {
+ waveform_list.append_item(cn->name);
+ }
+ }
- }
- } else {
- play_button.set_disabled(true);
- message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device.");
- }
+ }
+ else {
+ play_button.set_disabled(true);
+ message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device.");
+ }
@@ -501,8 +489,8 @@ void Prog::run()
while (!d.is_quit_requested()) {
- update();
- if (d.is_draw_requested()) {
+ update();
+ if (d.is_draw_requested()) {
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(128, 148, 168));
@@ -510,197 +498,216 @@ void Prog::run()
- on_stop(); /* Stop playing anything we were still playing. */
+ on_stop(); /* Stop playing anything we were still playing. */
-int cap_for_name(const std::string& name) {
- for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
- if (name == capname[i].name) {
- return capname[i].value;
- }
- }
- return -1;
+int cap_for_name(const std::string & name)
+ for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ if (name == capname[i].name) {
+ return capname[i].value;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
-const char * cap_to_name(int cap) {
- for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
- if (cap == capname[i].value) {
- return capname[i].name;
- }
- }
- return "unknown";
+const char *cap_to_name(int cap)
+ for (int i = 0; i < EX_HAPTIC2_END_WAVES; i++) {
+ if (cap == capname[i].value) {
+ return capname[i].name;
+ }
+ }
+ return "unknown";
-double slider_to_magnitude(const HSlider & slider) {
- double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
- double max = (double) slider.get_max_value();
- return value / max;
+double slider_to_magnitude(const HSlider & slider)
+ double value = (double)slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = (double)slider.get_max_value();
+ return value / max;
-double slider_to_duration(const HSlider & slider) {
- double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
- double max = 1.0;
- return value / max;
+double slider_to_duration(const HSlider & slider)
+ double value = (double)slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = 1.0;
+ return value / max;
-double slider_to_angle(const HSlider & slider) {
- double value = (double) slider.get_cur_value();
- double max = (double) slider.get_max_value();
- return value / max;
+double slider_to_angle(const HSlider & slider)
+ double value = (double)slider.get_cur_value();
+ double max = (double)slider.get_max_value();
+ return value / max;
-void Prog::get_envelope(ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ENVELOPE * envelope) {
- if(!envelope) return;
- envelope->attack_length = slider_to_duration(attack_length_slider);
- envelope->fade_length = slider_to_duration(fade_length_slider);
- envelope->attack_level = slider_to_magnitude(attack_level_slider);
- envelope->fade_level = slider_to_magnitude(fade_level_slider);
-void Prog::on_play() {
- int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
- if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
- message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device!");
- log_printf("No such device: %d\n", devno);
- return;
- }
- Haptic * haptic = haptics + devno;
- if (!haptic || !haptic->haptic) {
- log_printf("Device is NULL: %d\n", devno);
- message_label.set_text("Device Is NULL!");
- return;
- }
- if (!al_get_haptic_active(haptic->haptic)) {
- message_label.set_text("Device Not Active!");
- log_printf("Device is not active: %d\n", devno);
- return;
- }
- /* Stop playing previous effect. */
- if (haptic->playing) {
- al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
- haptic->playing = false;
- al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
- }
- /* First set gain. */
- double gain = slider_to_magnitude(gain_slider);
- al_set_haptic_gain(haptic->haptic, gain);
- /* Now fill in the effect struct. */
- int type = cap_for_name(type_list.get_selected_item_text());
- int wavetype = cap_for_name (waveform_list.get_selected_item_text());
- if (type < 0) {
- message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
- log_printf("Unknown effect type: %d on %s\n", type, haptic->name);
- return;
- }
- if (wavetype < 0) {
- message_label.set_text("Unknown Wave Form!");
- log_printf("Unknown wave type: %d on %s\n", wavetype, haptic->name);
- return;
- }
- haptic->effect.type = type;
- haptic->effect.replay.delay = slider_to_duration(delay_slider);
- haptic->effect.replay.length = slider_to_duration(length_slider);
- int loops = loops_slider.get_cur_value();
- haptic->effect.direction.angle = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
- haptic->effect.direction.radius = slider_to_magnitude(angle_slider);
- haptic->effect.direction.azimuth = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
- switch (type) {
- haptic->effect.data.rumble.strong_magnitude =
- slider_to_magnitude(strong_magnitude_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.rumble.weak_magnitude =
- slider_to_magnitude(weak_magnitude_slider);
- break;
- get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.periodic.envelope);
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.waveform = wavetype;
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.magnitude = slider_to_magnitude(magnitude_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.period = slider_to_duration(period_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.offset = slider_to_duration(offset_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.phase = slider_to_duration(phase_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_len = 0;
- haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_data= NULL;
- break;
- get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.constant.envelope);
- haptic->effect.data.constant.level = slider_to_magnitude(level_slider);
- break;
- get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.ramp.envelope);
- haptic->effect.data.ramp.start_level = slider_to_magnitude(start_level_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.ramp.end_level = slider_to_magnitude(end_level_slider);
- break;
- case ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_INERTIA: /* fall through. */
- haptic->effect.data.condition.right_saturation =
- slider_to_magnitude(right_saturation_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.condition.left_saturation =
- slider_to_magnitude(left_saturation_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.condition.right_coeff =
- slider_to_magnitude(right_coeff_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.condition.left_coeff =
- slider_to_magnitude(left_coeff_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.condition.deadband =
- slider_to_magnitude(deadband_slider);
- haptic->effect.data.condition.center =
- slider_to_magnitude(center_slider);
- /* XXX, need a different conversion function here, but I don't have a
- * controller that supports condition effects anyway... :p
- */
- break;
- default:
- message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
- log_printf("Unknown effect type %d %d\n", devno, type);
- return;
- }
- if(!al_is_haptic_effect_ok(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect)) {
- message_label.set_text("Effect Not Supported!");
- log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s not supported\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
- return;
- }
- haptic->playing = al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect,
- loops, &haptic->id);
- if(haptic->playing) {
- message_label.set_text("Playing...");
- log_printf("Started playing effect type %s on %s\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
- last_haptic = haptic;
- } else {
- message_label.set_text("Playing of effect failed!");
- log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s failed\n", cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
- }
- play_button.set_disabled(true);
+void Prog::get_envelope(ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_ENVELOPE * envelope)
+ if (!envelope)
+ return;
+ envelope->attack_length = slider_to_duration(attack_length_slider);
+ envelope->fade_length = slider_to_duration(fade_length_slider);
+ envelope->attack_level = slider_to_magnitude(attack_level_slider);
+ envelope->fade_level = slider_to_magnitude(fade_level_slider);
-void Prog::on_stop() {
- int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
- if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
- log_printf("No such device %d\n", devno);
- return;
- }
- Haptic * haptic = haptics + devno;
- if (haptic->playing && al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&haptic->id)) {
- al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
- haptic->playing = false;
- al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
- log_printf("Stopped device %d: %s\n", devno, haptic->name);
- }
- message_label.set_text("Stopped.");
- play_button.set_disabled(false);
+void Prog::on_play()
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
+ message_label.set_text("No Haptic Device!");
+ log_printf("No such device: %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ Haptic *haptic = haptics + devno;
+ if (!haptic || !haptic->haptic) {
+ log_printf("Device is NULL: %d\n", devno);
+ message_label.set_text("Device Is NULL!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!al_get_haptic_active(haptic->haptic)) {
+ message_label.set_text("Device Not Active!");
+ log_printf("Device is not active: %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Stop playing previous effect. */
+ if (haptic->playing) {
+ al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ }
+ /* First set gain. */
+ double gain = slider_to_magnitude(gain_slider);
+ al_set_haptic_gain(haptic->haptic, gain);
+ /* Now fill in the effect struct. */
+ int type = cap_for_name(type_list.get_selected_item_text());
+ int wavetype = cap_for_name(waveform_list.get_selected_item_text());
+ if (type < 0) {
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
+ log_printf("Unknown effect type: %d on %s\n", type, haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (wavetype < 0) {
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Wave Form!");
+ log_printf("Unknown wave type: %d on %s\n", wavetype, haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ haptic->effect.type = type;
+ haptic->effect.replay.delay = slider_to_duration(delay_slider);
+ haptic->effect.replay.length = slider_to_duration(length_slider);
+ int loops = loops_slider.get_cur_value();
+ haptic->effect.direction.angle = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
+ haptic->effect.direction.radius = slider_to_magnitude(angle_slider);
+ haptic->effect.direction.azimuth = slider_to_angle(angle_slider);
+ switch (type) {
+ haptic->effect.data.rumble.strong_magnitude =
+ slider_to_magnitude(strong_magnitude_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.rumble.weak_magnitude =
+ slider_to_magnitude(weak_magnitude_slider);
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.periodic.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.waveform = wavetype;
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.magnitude =
+ slider_to_magnitude(magnitude_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.period =
+ slider_to_duration(period_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.offset =
+ slider_to_duration(offset_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.phase = slider_to_duration(phase_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_len = 0;
+ haptic->effect.data.periodic.custom_data = NULL;
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.constant.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.constant.level = slider_to_magnitude(level_slider);
+ break;
+ get_envelope(&haptic->effect.data.ramp.envelope);
+ haptic->effect.data.ramp.start_level =
+ slider_to_magnitude(start_level_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.ramp.end_level =
+ slider_to_magnitude(end_level_slider);
+ break;
+ case ALLEGRO_HAPTIC_INERTIA: /* fall through. */
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.right_saturation =
+ slider_to_magnitude(right_saturation_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.left_saturation =
+ slider_to_magnitude(left_saturation_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.right_coeff =
+ slider_to_magnitude(right_coeff_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.left_coeff =
+ slider_to_magnitude(left_coeff_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.deadband =
+ slider_to_magnitude(deadband_slider);
+ haptic->effect.data.condition.center =
+ slider_to_magnitude(center_slider);
+ /* XXX, need a different conversion function here, but I don't have a
+ * controller that supports condition effects anyway... :p
+ */
+ break;
+ default:
+ message_label.set_text("Unknown Effect Type!");
+ log_printf("Unknown effect type %d %d\n", devno, type);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!al_is_haptic_effect_ok(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect)) {
+ message_label.set_text("Effect Not Supported!");
+ log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s not supported\n",
+ cap_to_name(type), haptic->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ haptic->playing =
+ al_upload_and_play_haptic_effect(haptic->haptic, &haptic->effect, loops,
+ &haptic->id);
+ if (haptic->playing) {
+ message_label.set_text("Playing...");
+ log_printf("Started playing effect type %s on %s\n", cap_to_name(type),
+ haptic->name);
+ last_haptic = haptic;
+ }
+ else {
+ message_label.set_text("Playing of effect failed!");
+ log_printf("Playing of effect type %s on %s failed\n", cap_to_name(type),
+ haptic->name);
+ }
+ play_button.set_disabled(true);
+void Prog::on_stop()
+ int devno = device_list.get_cur_value();
+ if ((devno < 0) || (devno >= num_haptics)) {
+ log_printf("No such device %d\n", devno);
+ return;
+ }
+ Haptic *haptic = haptics + devno;
+ if (haptic->playing && al_is_haptic_effect_playing(&haptic->id)) {
+ al_stop_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ haptic->playing = false;
+ al_release_haptic_effect(&haptic->id);
+ log_printf("Stopped device %d: %s\n", devno, haptic->name);
+ }
+ message_label.set_text("Stopped.");
+ play_button.set_disabled(false);
@@ -724,45 +731,46 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
display = al_create_display(800, 600);
if (!display) {
abort_example("Unable to create display\n");
font = al_load_font("data/DejaVuSans.ttf", 11, 0);
if (!font) {
log_printf("Failed to load data/DejaVuSans.ttf\n");
font = al_create_builtin_font();
if (!font) {
- abort_example("Could not create builtin font.\n");
+ abort_example("Could not create builtin font.\n");
num_haptics = 0;
- if(al_is_display_haptic(al_get_current_display())) {
- haptics[num_haptics].haptic = al_get_haptic_from_display(al_get_current_display());
- if(haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
- haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)"display";
- haptics[num_haptics].playing = false;
- num_haptics++;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < al_get_num_joysticks(); i++) {
- ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK * joy = al_get_joystick(i);
- if(al_is_joystick_haptic(joy)) {
- haptics[num_haptics].haptic = al_get_haptic_from_joystick(joy);
- if(haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
- haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)al_get_joystick_name(joy);
+ if (al_is_display_haptic(al_get_current_display())) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].haptic =
+ al_get_haptic_from_display(al_get_current_display());
+ if (haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)"display";
haptics[num_haptics].playing = false;
- }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < al_get_num_joysticks(); i++) {
+ ALLEGRO_JOYSTICK *joy = al_get_joystick(i);
+ if (al_is_joystick_haptic(joy)) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].haptic = al_get_haptic_from_joystick(joy);
+ if (haptics[num_haptics].haptic) {
+ haptics[num_haptics].name = (const char *)al_get_joystick_name(joy);
+ haptics[num_haptics].playing = false;
+ num_haptics++;
+ }
+ }
/* Don't remove these braces. */
@@ -771,11 +779,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Prog prog(theme, display);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
- al_release_haptic(haptics[i].haptic);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_haptics; i++) {
+ al_release_haptic(haptics[i].haptic);