Re: [AD] Old problems that still persist on Allegro 4.2 beta 3

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> I doubt there are any, since the possibility only was added in 4.1.16 or
> so, and seeing how bitmap fonts were broken with .txt fonts since then,
> it probably wasn't used that much..

I think the grabber was able to use them long before that time, wasn't it?
Someone might have a .txt font that s/he used to load with the grabber
lying around...

> Ok, ok, I'll put it back :)

Hmm... I wasn't that abusive, was I? :)

> Well, any fonts that won't start with character 32 will be broken.. of
> course, changing the transpose_font to use font_begin_range() instead of
> 32 should fix that :)

Ah, yes.

> Yes, already tried that. grabber simply says "The font blabla.txt"
> couldn't be loaded, or something like that.


> Hm, no idea about that. I don't even know about the history of WineX..
> is it a spin-off off the Wine code?

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