[AD] Old problems that still persist on Allegro 4.2 beta 3 |
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Also the problem with some authors name in DEMO.EXE / DEMO.DAT haven't been fixed yet. For example, in the Demo.exe, my first name would appear as "M rcio" instead of "Márcio" or "Marcio". I don't know about Ville Skyttä or Julien Cugnière, but I rather prefer that my name is written as "Marcio" in thanks._tx than to appear wrong in the DEMO game. Nevertheless, this is just a cosmetic issue and don't bother fixing it if it adds the risk of messing the file thanks._tx.
I would love to contribute more with the Allegro community, for example, by fixing the buggy src/dos/wss.c sound driver or fixing the demo.dat datafile. However I'm short of time and the best I can do is to report the errors I found.
P.S.: It seems that in the file demo.dat, in the font used to display authors name, there are actually characters mapped in the range 128-255 (or something like that), but these are mapped to a ugly standard glyph, perhaps repeated many times, just wasting storage space... I've written something about these two issues in the past with Elias or Evert, however I do not have time now to dig for past e-mails.
Best Regards, Marcio.
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