Re: [AD] Old problems that still persist on Allegro 4.2 beta 3

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On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 01:39 +0200, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 23:10 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > In principle, we should wait if someone else manages to finish up another 
> > demo game before the deadline and then decide between them.
> > I have a sneaking suspision that no one else will, so it's probably ok if 
> > you make a patch for it. I'm quite curious how it ended up anyway. :)
> > 
> Um, well, just the source code changed. And not a lot, just had to start
> hacking around a bit to un-tangle some of the worst spaghetti code in
> it. And I found a off-by-one bug when I restructured the dirty
> rectangles code, can't remember details though.
> Must now think about the best way to include it into the make process..

Patch attached. It got big, simply because it has every line of demo.c
twice :P And I had to discover that the build system didn't support
multi-sourcefile executables (except makedoc, which doesn't link Allegro
though), so some changes where necessary (but the same changes are
needed for any new demo as well - so adding that should now be easy).

The makefile.osx,, makefile.mgw,, makefile.qnx, are all untested, but should work in theory. They use a
target "*/%" which I seem to have forgotten about, so not sure if it now
chooses the * target only if there's no other (as I assumed for the
patch), or always (in which case, it won't work).

It works fine here with in linux. I think that's all the
platforms we support.. (BeOS and QNX probably are broken anyway..).

Here's the changes I wrote at the demo competition site back then when I
coded it:

- fixed small bug in the dirty rectangle code
- made the animation smoother and use not always 100% CPU (controllable
by the user with a checkbox)
- not only was the code split, but a lot of hackish 10 year old
spaghetti code now is somewhat readable
- fixed bug where ateroids disappeared too early

And just running it now, apparently the source file text in the
starfield scroller is somewhat brighter, and maybe other cosmetic
changes like that..

I'll also update the demo.dat font with all characters of the builtin
font (using FreeSans.ttf, unless someone sends me a better one).

Elias Pschernig

Attachment: splitdemo.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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