Re: [AD] Old problems that still persist on Allegro 4.2 beta 3

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On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 23:10 +0200, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

> In principle, we should wait if someone else manages to finish up another 
> demo game before the deadline and then decide between them.
> I have a sneaking suspision that no one else will, so it's probably ok if 
> you make a patch for it. I'm quite curious how it ended up anyway. :)

Um, well, just the source code changed. And not a lot, just had to start
hacking around a bit to un-tangle some of the worst spaghetti code in
it. And I found a off-by-one bug when I restructured the dirty
rectangles code, can't remember details though.

Must now think about the best way to include it into the make process..

Elias Pschernig

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