Re: [AD] Old problems that still persist on Allegro 4.2 beta 3

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On Tuesday 24 May 2005 03:29, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> reminds me, I have a version of demo.c which is cleaned up and split up
> into multiple files.. should I create a patch for it? Or will the demo
> be removed for 4.2.0 anyway, so no point to apply it now? (In which
> case, missing glyphs in demo.dat wouldn't matter as well..)

In principle, we should wait if someone else manages to finish up another 
demo game before the deadline and then decide between them.
I have a sneaking suspision that no one else will, so it's probably ok if 
you make a patch for it. I'm quite curious how it ended up anyway. :)


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