Re: [AD] Proposed changes for Allegro 5 (6?)

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On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 05:43:16PM -0500, Bob wrote:
> And I agree. However, I'd hate to see DOS being the large boulder attached 
> to Allegro. If all the neat stuff can be done from DOS, then you have my 
> vote to keep it. Otherwise, it can stay with Allegro 4.

Always take a look from the other side: would you drop hardware scrolling
or high precision timing just because Windows can't do "the neat stuff"?

> If we do'nt drop DOS, then, if ever some feature pops up that Allegro cannot 
> (easily) emulate in DOS, could we have a non-portable-to-DOS program?

With the above you already have nonportable programs to non-DOS systems...

Anyway, what I was meaning is that most of the proposed things didn't
look to me imposible to do for DOS, except for the 3d acceleration stuff.

> > Because network is something which really really really is not needed...
> Perhaps Allegro can only have basic operations, like open communication 
> port, send bytes, receive bytes, close port. Anything more fancy can be 
> implemented in add-ons.

That would end up being like the basic 3d allegro versus
allegrogl. Packfile routines are cool, but most users go directly for
high-level datafiles.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx

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