Re: [translations] Starting Brazilian Portuguese translation for Docs

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Le 20/08/2018 à 18:31, David Kastrup a écrit :
Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

Sort of solved. I works if I run 'make' before 'make doc', as
mentioned by Walter and Jean-Charles.  But I hope there is another way
for me to build docs without building the whole software, as it is
very time- and resource-consuming -- I would rather not to lose
another HD... :)

In my experience, the computing time for "make" is peanuts compared to
the computing time for "make doc".

I even will add that you'll never get a color picture when you use a black and white negative. So to say: any change or new feature in LP's sources might result in a snippet that won't compile well with an out of dated binary.

If you have a multi-core CPU, add a file "local.make" in the top of your build-dir containing a line:

CPU_COUNT = 4 #This is a quad-core

and run your build with one more job than the number of cores:

make -j5


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