Re: [translations] Starting Brazilian Portuguese translation for Docs

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Il giorno dom 5 ago 2018 alle 20:14, Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@xxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Ok, now with tex2html 1.82 I received a different output, with some
error messages, which are detailed in the "*output.txt" files
(pt_BR-output.txt has only the pt_BR, while the other is complete, for

For the error message "closing qq (1 braces missing)", I wasn't able
to identify the source file of the given line. For the "Undefined
node" and "Unknown node" messages, I don't know what caused them.  Any
help on this would be much appreciated!

I also attached a patch file with my translation, in case it helps debugging.

Hi Rafael

A quick reply to tell you that I'll be away from keybord for the next 3 weeks.
I hope somebody else will help you.

I cannot test your patch, as I cannot compile LilyPond on Fedora 28 right now.

For the closing @qq, double-check lines 996-1005 of introduction.itexi
It's not closed.

I had a quick look at some of the nodes mentioned in your output file and they seem correct. I wonder if you should run 'make doc' first... Actually, the website will be built when you run 'make doc'. It's a manual like the others.

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