Re: [translations] New set of Catalan translations

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I took a look to my set of patches, and there is something I don't

As far as I can tell I did all the process right. I have my own
branch, created from the translation branch, I worked there. When I
finished I went back to the translation branch, updated it with
"pull", then when back to my branch, rebased it with translation
without errors, and generated my patches.

Since I was told that the patches could not be applied against the
translation branch I checked it myself. I cloned a new repository,
checked out the translation branch, and tried to apply my patches. 

They fail because some lines in the patches have trailing
whitespaces, at 6 or 7 lines.

So I went back to my branch and checked if those trailing whitespaces
were in the corresponding files, but they are not there, but when I
generate my patches (with "git format-patch origin") they are
introduced. How come? I tried to erase the trailing whitespace
directly in the patches but they still fail to apply.


Walter Garcia-Fontes

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