[translations] Re: [LilyPond Translations] important infrastructure changes

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Le dimanche 09 août 2009 à 22:18 +0300, Till Paala a écrit :
> Indeed, that sucks, as some multi-line comments from the included
> snippets show -- they are represented line by line in the .po file.

Oh yes, I should fix this, but not immediately :-(  Speaking of
bugfixes, please run check-translation again, it should handle every
recent file renames, as long as you have moved translated files too
(e.g. most of introduction.itely went into essay/).

> Ok, I will just hope that my patches are correct, and push without
> compiling if I don't find the time for a total clean compilation
> (which takes here 3 hours)

Unclean builds work if you touch .tely files.

> Ok, I will see if updating this helps.

Your report below makes me think so.

> The error is, that I get a hang-up: Compiling normally until it gets
> to the japanes LM, here is just hangs processor at 100%, I waited
> about one hour, I don't know what is going, stopped compiling with
> ctrl+c. As it is just hanging not failing there are no messages.

I already got this kind of issue, IIRC I fixed it by upgrading


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