Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 03:28:17PM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi James (et al.),
> > wish lily-git.tcl 
> > works! or at least I get a GUI and can download the source.
> > Also you don't need to set the permissions on the lily-git file it is already set.
> /usr/bin/wish lily-git.tcl
> works for me — thanks.

Great!  Hmm, what about simply
  wish lily-git.tcl
?  If that works, let's make it the command in

BTW, who wants to take notes to add to CG 2.1 ?  (the lily-git
section in the not-quite-yet pushed new CG 2 chapter)

> Next step, anyone?

Get the GUI up, and click the "1. get source" (or something like

If you've already done it, do it again, but the button should be
"1. update source".  It probably won't change anything (it's only
been an hour or two), but click it anyway to get in the habit.

Now go to a command-line, go to the ~/lilypond-git/ dir, and do

it might / probably will pop up some error messages about you
needing various extra software.  If you can figure out what
package in macports it is, install the package with
  port install PACKAGENAME
iirc.  If that fails, see the macports docs.

If you're not certain what the package name is, send me the error
or warning that ./ gave you, and I'll tell you what to

Once you can run ./ then run "make".  If you have
multiple CPUs, then you could do "make -jX" where X is the number
of CPUs, but that's optional.

- Graham

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