Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:35:19AM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Are there any mentors out there who can walk me through setting
> up git, etc., in the least possible time with the least possible
> anguish?

I am more than willing to mentor you for the initial stages --
i.e. setting up git, compiling, and making a small patch to the
docs.  I know you don't want to work on the docs, but I'm just
thinking of a 5 or 6-line patch to one of the pages on the
website.  It'll only take 5 minutes of non-generic development
time.  Deal?  :)
(I mean, all the extra time over those 5 minutes would be spent
de-tangling problems that you'd encounter with code patches, so in
that sense the extra time wouldn't be wasted)

To begin with, find the lily-git script.  I wish I could tell you
that the link was in the CG, but you arrived about one week too
early for that.  :(

If you remember gitweb, go there and find the scripts/auxiliar/
directory; download lily-git, then run that on the command-line:
  chmod u+x lily-git.tcl

you can run it directly from your desktop or download folder or
wherever the file ended up.

- Graham

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