Re: 4.0 or not ? Cookiso, website, doc

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Well, what do you expect?

We're a bunch of hackers (in the original MIT sense) and to play with
our toys is how we develop things. Speaking for myself, I've made a
handful of tools for SliTaz I never released because they were just
quick 'n ugly hacks and I knew it would never get accepted into the
main branch. I think many of us feel the same way. I, for example,
don't like Tazpanel all that much so I'm making myself YAD dialogs to
replace the old gtkdialog ones. If I add enough changes to my SliTaz,
it won't be like branch anymore either. And for me that's alright.

Many others start the same way. Godane wanted SliTaz to have localized
package repositories and work better with a Frugal install. Gok wanted
SliTaz to be more Libre. Both valid projects and both spawned their own
SliTaz flavor. It's also what we need.

And here's why: I recently met the team of Unity Linux. They're problem
is that they don't have enough Kernel developers or people that can
help adapt the Mandriva packages to work with the smart packages
manager. But look at us. Godane and Gok has each compiled their kernels
and xorg servers themselves. We have one up on Unity.

Let's scrap the idea that we can follow any kind of roadmap. It's clear
we can't. Let's rather focus on what we can fix, what we already have
as a group and how we can bring it all together. Get Godane and Gok to
help recompile the latest Kernel and maybe split it. I can teach people
how to hack packages to fix minor problems. Together we can pull some
pressure off you. What we need is a clear list of the problems inherent
in SliTaz somewhere. Then we all can focus and work on it.

Anyway, that's my opinion anyway. As for IRC - if you ask them, they
will come. I can even provide BNC for everybody if asked.

-- Trixar_za

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