Re: 4.0 or not ? Cookiso, website, doc

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There are still multiple issues with video support in the rolling iso which have been discussed at length on irc, where development discussion for most open source projects takes place, but you haven't been there. It might be worth reading the logs for the last week or more...

Also, I've found tazweb can't handle large pages - try loading - probably related to this, the pacakge management interface in tazpanel fails if you select the category 'all'...

As well, the drop down menu for installation still doesn't point to the install start page - instead, it goes to the second step and isn't clear that one needs to already have their partition table set up.

Overall, 4.0 is beautiful. I have not been able to thouroughly test everything, though, but I have spent many hours diagnosing video issues. Things like regenerating the iso and installing to usb still need to be checked out. Testing is easy - pretend you're a user who's never seen slitaz before, with only basic knowlege of linux, and use the gui the way most users will. If you find a problem, then turn to your knowlege of slitaz and linux. This needs to be done for both the liveCD and installed, but testing in a VM or chroot is insufficient. The only way to have this upcoming release tested on a variety of hardware, is if a number of people do this.

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