Re: [proaudio] SVN to Git

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I have some time the next weekend. Is there something can help out with to make git replace svn?

2015-11-12 8:10 GMT+01:00 Ingolf Wagner <palipalo9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

OK, I think I was riding something of an adrenaline high and read too much
into your conversion attempt.

Well I would love to do it, but my knowledge of svn to git, and all that stuff around layman and gentoo overlays is not good (yet). I love help, but I will not be the driving force here. 

I mean of course "I love to help" :D. And the part with driving force sound a bit strange to me now ^-^. 

Anyway, so far I understand the process (of migration)

* migrate svn to git (using reposurgeon)
* change some configuration to make layman know the new git-repository endpoint. (somebody with rights have to do that, right?)
* everybody (with rights to the svn) has to join the gitlab group
* tear down the svn repository

Am I missing something? 

I can do the svn migration, will just read the documentation of reposurgeon and do it. But I don't think I can do the second part. 

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