[proaudio] SVN to Git

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I wanted to make a special thread about this topic. It just came up because of a small sentence of my joining email.

It seems a lot of people want to switch to git.

GitHub or GitLab?
some people against github.
you can log in gitlab with you gitlab account (using oauth).

There is a group on gitlab https://gitlab.com/groups/proaudio
I created an issue that I want to join.
I pushed the acctual svn there. seems looks like everything is there. I made some changes (look at the history). https://gitlab.com/mrVanDalo/proaudio-overlay
what next? 
delete it again?
transfer it to the proaudio group? 
make a cron job to sync git to svn?
what else is possible?

Future workflow?
I am new! no Idea how you did it before? 
But I prefer pull-requests.
I like git-flow.
I like ticket systems (mantis, jira, trello, what ever)


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