Re: [proaudio] SVN to Git

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2015-11-10 23:59 GMT+01:00 Marc Joliet <marcec@xxxxxx>:

I think you meant "github account" ;-) .

Yes of course :D

Maybe: my sense of aesthetics reels in horror at the site of git-svn-id
markers in the commit log.  They are pointless after a conversion and do
nothing but clutter up the history.  Could you please use

git filter-branch --msg-filter 'sed -e "/^git-svn-id:/d"'
(taken from git-filter-branch(1))

to get rid of them?

We can do that, but for now I tried to keep the svn and git in sync. Anyway the repo I created was just kind of a try. (people still do commits on the svn). But when the time comes to properly migrate we can use a real tool for that.
>transfer it to the proaudio group?

What do you mean?  Karl Lindén can simply pull from you and push to

That's what I mean by that.
I'd like to know, too!  I suspect git-flow is overkill, though ;-) .

Yeah I guess so, but PRs are quite good I think.

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