Re: [proaudio] SVN to Git

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On Tuesday 10 November 2015 22:22:34 Ingolf Wagner wrote:
>I wanted to make a special thread about this topic. It just came up because
>of a small sentence of my joining email.
>It seems a lot of people want to switch to git.
>GitHub or GitLab?
>some people against github.
>you can log in gitlab with you gitlab account (using oauth).

I think you meant "github account" ;-) .

>There is a group on gitlab

Yeah, I noticed that, too.

>I created an issue that I want to join.
>I pushed the acctual svn there. seems looks like everything is there. I
>made some changes (look at the history).
>what next?
>delete it again?

Maybe: my sense of aesthetics reels in horror at the site of git-svn-id 
markers in the commit log.  They are pointless after a conversion and do 
nothing but clutter up the history.  Could you please use

git filter-branch --msg-filter 'sed -e "/^git-svn-id:/d"'
(taken from git-filter-branch(1))

to get rid of them?

You could also use reposurgeon to do the conversion instead, see for why using git-svn could be problematic.

[ I'd offer to try converting it myself, but my free time is currently 
occupied by my getting acquainted with the Gentoo devmanual; I seem to have 
slipped into the role of proxy-maintainer for app-text/asciidoc. ]

>transfer it to the proaudio group?

What do you mean?  Karl Lindén can simply pull from you and push to

>make a cron job to sync git to svn?


>what else is possible?
>Future workflow?
>I am new! no Idea how you did it before?
>But I prefer pull-requests.
>I like git-flow.
>I like ticket systems (mantis, jira, trello, what ever)

I'd like to know, too!  I suspect git-flow is overkill, though ;-) .

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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