Re: [hatari-devel] Adding cache support for the MegaSTE

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FYI, I ran the latest test on my MegaSTE, too. ST Low, Mid and High, with and without MonSTer enabled - I've got the same numbers as Christian did (the $0000 got replaced by $00a7, I presume this will be his result as well).

On Fri, 12 Jul 2024 at 22:58, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 12/07/2024 à 22:46, Christian Zietz a écrit :
> Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:
>> megaSTE cache is not very well documented, I think I read somewhere that
>> cache was only updated on write and not on read,
> That would make the cache rather pointless, as you want the cache to
> cache code as it is executed.

that's what I thought too, that it was not a very efficient cache but
being able to cache data and not code would be better than nothing :)

>> Anyway, updated version of cache test is now doing more tests to check
>> for filling cache on read and not just on write :
> Results are attached. As before, they are 100% reproducible. But I'm not
> sure if "R words, R words" is supposed to show $0000. Bug in the
> program, perhaps?

Yes, there was a typo. Attached version fixes "R words, R words" case



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