Re: [hatari-devel] Adding cache support for the MegaSTE

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Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

Or do you mean data are cached when doing a read from memory too (which
would cache code too) ? In the case of the megaSTE cache I thought that
only writes to memory would update the cache.

Reads are also cached. Everything else would be quite disastrous for performance. Hence your loop in the code is executed from cache.

I still think that in the "write bytes, read words" case you have 100% cache misses on the data. You have 100% cache hits on the code though. And the code dominates. This is why it's still faster that with cache disabled.

Please change your program as I suggested in my previous post; and we'll have the confirmation for my hypothesis.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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