Re: [hatari-devel] Adding cache support for the MegaSTE

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Le 12/07/2024 à 15:20, Christian Zietz a écrit :
Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

As I don't have a MegaSTE, could someone run the attached program on his
MegaSTE ? You should run it 2 or 3 times to be sure, but values should
be rather stable.

program should be run in low or med res, not high res (to count HBL)

That's a shame. I could easily test in high res. Not so easily in color modes.

No problem, run the program in high res (it won't change the value of ff8260). And when I will compare results with Hatari I will run in high res too.
As long as we compare similar resolution it will be ok.


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