Re: [hatari-devel] Sample frame buffer is incorrectly restarted

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On 11.2.2024 12.53, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 11/02/2024 à 00:41, David Savinkoff a écrit :
I've always used "--sound-buffer-size 10" for ST/STE
10 works on all computers and sound cards manufactured after y2k.
If 10 doesn't work, then there is a bad problem somewhere.

In my case I left it to the default "0" value, never heard any sound problem this way (of course, this will depend on what machine / cpu / freq is emulated, the higher they are the more likely sound can get wrong if host PC is not powerful enough)

This was with the base Falcon emulation (tried also with Hatari defaults). Hatari does not output warnings about working too slow.

Desktop audio is handled by pipewire, but Debian SDL version (2.26.5+dfsg-1) seems to be using it through pulseaudio emulation.

According to "grep rates /proc/asound/card0/codec#*", supported rates are "32000 44100 48000 88200 96000 192000".

Hatari's configured to use 44Khz, but using 48Khz did not change anything.

	- Eero

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