Re: [hatari-devel] Sample frame buffer is incorrectly restarted

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On 10.2.2024 20.34, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Eero, you noted audio was scratchy but it sounds rather good to me, except for the pause here and there due to the timer A problem.

I can load Miro's sample using Audacity with "import raw" using 16 bit signed PCM, stereo, big endian, 24585 Hz. It sounds ok under Audacity and it sounds the same under Hatari in falcon mode with tos 4.04 or emutos 1.1.1

maybe your conversion with sox was not correct ?
Did more testing, and the problem seems to be sound buffer size.

Anything below "--sound-buffer-size 90" (including the SDL default, specified with 0), sounds pretty scratchy.

I haven't noticed similar issue in other Falcon programs.

	- Eero

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