Re: [hatari-devel] Sample frame buffer is incorrectly restarted

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Le 05/02/2024 à 21:48, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 05/02/2024 à 21:39, Miro Kropáček a écrit :

I can't say :) but at least it confirms that it triggers at start, which is not clearly documented and not emulated either. I will have a look at this to see how I can replicate the results from real HW into emulation


forgot to ask, but can you send the updated version with the printf's of the "" file you sent earlier ?

also, can you confirm you're using the same sox command as eero to convert a wav/mp3 to raw falcon sound ?

or better, could you post a 20-30 sec raw file that sound OK on falcon, just to be sure the sound quality problem eero reported is in Hatari and not in some conversion steps ?


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