Re: [hatari-devel] Sample frame buffer is incorrectly restarted

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Le 09/02/2024 à 20:43, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
On Fri, 9 Feb 2024 at 20:01, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    forgot to ask, but can you send the updated version with the
    printf's of
    the "" file you sent earlier ?

    also, can you confirm you're using the same sox command as eero to
    convert a wav/mp3 to raw falcon sound ?

    or better, could you post a 20-30 sec raw file that sound OK on falcon,
    just to be sure the sound quality problem eero reported is in Hatari
    not in some conversion steps ?

Sure, no problem: <> <>

Put in the same folder and run. I sincerely apologise for the choice of the track, it was the first one I found on my disk. ;-)

Btw, as expected, this solution was utterly stupid. In the meantime I have coded a routine which doesn't depend on the frame address comparison and in general is 3x simpler. So this is now purely for educational purposes.


program / sound file dowloaded and I can reproduce the problem, the debug printf should help me to track the issue. Even if you have another solution to handle sound streaming, it's a good test case to improve Hatari (and maybe to document better how timer A is used for Falcon's dma sound)

Eero, you noted audio was scratchy but it sounds rather good to me, except for the pause here and there due to the timer A problem.

I can load Miro's sample using Audacity with "import raw" using 16 bit signed PCM, stereo, big endian, 24585 Hz. It sounds ok under Audacity and it sounds the same under Hatari in falcon mode with tos 4.04 or emutos 1.1.1

maybe your conversion with sox was not correct ?


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