Re: [hatari-devel] Screenshots in NEO format

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Though, I should also mention the GenConv code path was needed for the High Resolution ST mode, and even when using the TT or Falcon modes that are compatible with ST graphics, so even if we wish to forbid the extra values in the resolution field or the palette suffix, the GenConv path was still providing only-old-format compatible screenshots for these modes which could be represented that way. It wasn't something that only applied for 8bpp/16bpp or other dimensions.

-- Brad Smith

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 8:02 PM Brad Smith <rainwarrior@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It omits the alternate path for GenConv from the PR, but without this I believe you'll just end up filling a NEO file with uninitialized/left-over data from the unused ST raster render memory, which I feel is worse than emitting no file at all. The user will see files created, but will later find they contain no useful screenshot information. Would it not be better to give the user a file containing a dump of the actual graphics data? That was the purpose of what I wrote.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 5:28 PM Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Altough Brad's patch also supported TT/Falcon screen or more than 4 bpp
screen, I only applied the parts that handle standard STF/STE video mode
and a resulting 32128 bytes .NEO file.

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