Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon RS232 emulation

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On 2.8.2022 22.16, Miro Kropáček wrote:
Erm, OK. I totally missed that Windows has "con" as a special file handle.
So when I looked at our screenshot, saw some output and then looked at my
Linux console and saw nothing, it didn't occur to me that the output is
actually in a file called "con". :)

So yes, RS232 output works and yes, on SCC for Falcon. However if Falcon
has (officially) only one serial port, why wasting the UI checkbox for
nothing? It could easily redirect SCC output instead of MFP output.

Yes, but which machine type gets selected is based on not just user selection, but also specified TOS version i.e. it might change later.

So I do not think auto-selection is good thing, at least until Hatari code has been changed to do machine selection verification / change as the very first thing in emulation startup, and not somewhere in the middle.

Or, if you are strongly against it, please at least rename it to MFP output
to make it less misleading.

If you're on Linux, you can use Python-UI. It allows configuring both ports separately (as it does not have the SDL GUI limitations on dialog space).

And ideally, add an option to choose MFP/SCC ports in the UI. :)

Best would be to be able to specify both of them on SDL GUI, like this the case with the Hatari Python UI. However, SDL UI has space only for one of them (and Hatari is lacking SCC-A emulation).

To save space, there could be a radiobox for which one of them is emulated, as user is unlikely to need multiple ports at the same time:
Enable RS232 serial port emulation for:
(x) MFP  ( ) SCC-B

Write <port> output to file:
___________________________     [Browse]
Read <port> input from file:
___________________________     [Browse]
Where <port> changes based on selected radiobutton (if SDL GUI gets note of those changes).

But currently Hatari does not emulate SCC-B input, so that would also be misleading...

Nicolas, Thomas, any comments?

Anyway, thanks for help Christian (I don't understand how you could get
that shell, are you sure you have downloaded the bootable snapshot?)

	- Eero

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