[hatari-devel] Supporting both PortMidi and raw MIDI access at run-time?

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Now that PortMidi support works pretty OK, I started to wonder whether it would make sense in the long run to support both PortMidi and raw MIDI access at same time, in same binary.

Hatari could e.g. enable raw MIDI access at start, if midi output option value points to an existing file on disk, and otherwise enable PortMidi support.

Defaulting to PortMidi makes it easier for normal users to connect there MIDI devices to Hatari, as one can just select MIDI application names in SDL GUI.

IMHO it would be OK if enabling raw MIDI access that way were limited to command line, as its main use is debugging and network connectivity, where you need to do things on command line any way.

SDL GUI would then select its Devices dialog GUI elements based on whether raw MIDI file or PortMidi access was enabled at Hatari startup.

And defines in code would need to be changed so that raw MIDI access is disabled, not when PortMidi is enabled, but for OSes that do not support raw MIDI file access.

How does that sound?  Bad or good idea?

	- Eero

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