Re: [hatari-devel] CPU dialog option fine-tuning

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Le 15/06/2022 à 21:48, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 12.6.2022 23.46, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Yes definitely better, but I think there's enough space for more accurate explanation.

Nicolas, what you would think of:
CPU emulation parameters

[x] prefetch emulation (uses more host CPU)
[x] cycle-exact / cache emulation (can use much more host CPU)
[x] MMU emulation
[x] 24-bit addressing
[x] accurate FPU emulation (uses more host CPU)

sounds fine to me, "slower" like it was before could indeed be misleading.

It did not quite fit as above.

Attached is patch, and a screenshot comparing the result with how the current GUI looks like.

I also changed the keyboard shortcuts a bit, so
that they're on first letter which IMHO is more
intuitive (and in case of "None", conforms with
System dialog).

Does that still look OK?


for 2nd choice "cache emulation / cycle exact (ditto)", I think it's better to keep "cycle exact" first in the text, because it's really the most important parameter. As it's the "cpu emulation parameters" window maybe some "emulation" words can be removed to gain space. so maybe "cycle exact / cache (uses more host cpu)" would fit ? (not a big fan of "ditto")

for the fpu text, I'm not sure "no host FPU use" will be understandable by everybody ; maybe "accurate FPU (uses more host CPU)" would be enough ?


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