Re: [hatari-devel] Debugger features ideas/wishes |
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>> It sounds not worth the trouble, also I don't think it can work in all situations because for example some instructions can have multiple "temporary effective addresses" (like 68020+ new addressing modes), some FPU and 68030 MMU instructions also can be quite "non-standard".
>> It would be relatively easy to "mark" different parts of disassembly string (with some special values or in a separate array) and let the GUI to do the parsing.
> hi
> do you mean you could add such an array with some index/len variables for each part of the disasm line or that it should be the Hatari GUI to do the split/parsing (which might not be as precise) ?
> being able to have different color per part could be easier to follow in a GUI.
Yeah, either separate array with index/len (or something similar) or disasembly string could contain some marker bytes (like values less than 32) that mark start and end of each disassembly part.
This should enable GUI to parse the string without need to guess anything.