Re: [hatari-devel] fixing errors reported by GCC 10 -fanalyzer

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On 5/13/20 7:59 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
it depends on the case, most of the time interpreting the results means looking at the screen and  checking if some pixels are aligned or in different colors (depending on which video test is performed), which is not usable with natfeats.

We can always add NatFeats call to request pixel
color(s) to be checked at specified screen
position(s), and output PASS or FAIL string
depending on whether there's a match.

There could be new "NF_TEST" NatFeats call for
doing emulator tests.  One of the call sub-IDs
would do this particular test, e.g. using
following stack signature:
ScreenColorMatch(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t pixels, color_t *colors);


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