Re: [hatari-devel] Big update to cpu emulation pushed to main repo

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Le 23/02/2020 à 10:10, Matthias Arndt a écrit :
Am Sun, 23 Feb 2020 10:05:14 +0100
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

after being generated cputbl.h should be in the same directory as all
the sources in cpu/ (newcpu.c for example).

If it's not the case then it might be due to your out-of-source build
tree you specify ?

For over 15 years Hatari always compiled perfectly with cmake and its
out-of-source build scheme. Several distro packagers probably even rely
on this.

I would be very disappointed if this feature had to be dropped from
Hatari just for the new cpu.

I am sure this can be fixed in some way.
Probably only an include path pointing to the build source tree?

please, don't start making assumption about the fact that it would be broken for ever. It seems it just worked "by luck" since using cmake (which is certainly not since 15 years btw).

First, does it build OK if you temporarily remove your out-of-source build ? (which is the way most developpers are using it here). If it works, then we now the cause of the problem and we can search a solution for it.

Then people with cmake knowledge can certaily provide a patch to ensure cputbl.h is correctly included (is there a cmake variable that contains the build dir location ?)

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