Re: [hatari-devel] Big update to cpu emulation pushed to main repo

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Le 23/02/2020 à 08:47, Matthias Arndt a écrit :
Am Sun, 23 Feb 2020 07:08:43 +0000
schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:

Are you Compiling in parallel with "make -jX" ? If yes, could it be a
race due to a missing dependency in the Makefiles?

No, a simple "make". I am not even aware of special options for
parallel compilation.

I only tried to compile Freemint in a separate shell at the same time.


the problem is that cpummu030.c depends on cputbl.h, but this file is dynamically generated by gencpu.

It seems your makefile is trying to compile cpummu030.c first when cputbl.h doesn't exist yet.

Does the file cputbl.h exists in the cpu/ dir for you ?

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