Re: [hatari-devel] TT emulation crashes when there is no ACSI drive

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A new piece of information (latest sources):

1. This crash is reproducable when I boot (or reset) Hatari with no ACSI
devices attached. "Cycle Exact" is disabled.
2. When I press F12, enable "Cycle Exact" and reset Hatari there is no
3. Now the interesting part: When I press F12 again, disable "Cycle
Exact" and reset Hatari there is also no crash.

Best regards


> Hi,
> On 8/6/19 9:40 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> > On 8/6/19 7:15 PM, Christian Zietz wrote:
> >> Eero Tamminen schrieb:
> >>
> >>> If you look at the cartridge code in my mail, stack pointer is first
> >>> moved to a0, and after saving a6 to stack, a0 is moved into a6, then
> >>> the extra subroutines are called, after which comes the failing
> >>> instruction:
> >>>           clr.l   2(a6)
> >>
> >> But still I don't see how $23000000 could end up in A6.
> > 
> > Oh, you mean that a0 i.e. stack pointer needs to have been corrupted
> > before cartridge code gets called.  I.e. TOS has corrupted it somehow,
> > or Uwe has some other program in AUTO which Pexec's NF_SCSI.PRG with
> > corrupted stack pointer?
> No, that's nonsense too, as then the subroutines before crashing
> instruction would crash instead.
> Because Uwe is using GEMDOS HD, he can't be using any other cartridge
> code.
> Only other things I can think of are:
> * Uwe running some MMU program that maps something else
>    to cartridge area.  Is that even possible?
> * Something seriously wrong in Uwe's last Hatari build...?
> 	- Eero
> > (Sorry, I'm very rusty on asm, as I haven't written much of it myself
> > even back in 90's.)
> > 
> > 
> >>> The place where bus error happens, is during program loading, not
> >>> its execution.  So NF SCSI shouldn't actually be needed to reproduce
> >>> this, *if* the crash actually happens at NF_SCSI.PRG loading.
> >>
> >> OK. I tested with a current Hatari Windows build from,
> >> Uwe's config file, TOS 3.06, and NF_SCSI.PRG (from Uwe's web page) in
> >> the AUTO folder. No crash! (Of course, after loading, NF_SCSI.PRG
> >> complains that the Natfeats SCSI feature is not available and terminates
> >> itself.)
> > 
> > 
> >      - Eero
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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