Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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I'm afraid there is no improvement with my system: PD still crashes with a
double bus fault, and Tempus Word freezes, just like before. ASV, which
before was hanging in a loop because of the missing timer emulation now also
crashes with a double bus fault instead.
It does not make a difference whether I enable cycle exact and prefetch
or not.

Best regards


> Le 16/10/2018 à 18:24, Uwe Seimet a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Thank you for further analyzing this,
> Hi
> after providing some more traces to toni (as well as some WHDload test 
> programs he could test himself on real HW), some changes were added to 
> WinUAE and I pushed them to Hatari, so you can test them now.
> Thanks to Toni for improving this.
> This also fixed some similar retry cases for FPU and movem and moves.
> In my case, Pure Debugger is now starting correctly when memwatch is 
> running, with either PF/CE=off or CE=on.
> Maybe you could try Tempus Word too ?
> According to Toni, there might be some remaining issues (for example 
> Amix under Amiga), but it's not clear yet if they're related to MMU+SSW.
> Nicolas

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