Re: [hatari-devel] New drive image settings

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Hi Thomas,

> > I've played with the settings there a little bit (you've mentioned 16
> > bytes, not 1 byte), but it did not help. So currently this is not
> > emulated yet, since I did not find the right setting yet. If you want
> > to have a try, have a look at the dma_check() function in ncr5380.c.
> Can you provide a drive image I can reproduce this problem with?

I can reproduce this now. HDDRIVER writes 0 to the Falcon's (but never
to the ST's) sector count register if there are still more than 255 * 512
bytes to transfer. This results in 256 * 512 bytes to be transferred,
i.e 0 in sector count for Falcon DMA results in an effective count of 256.
I'm not sure whether this is a documented feature (I might have checked
that when I was implementing this long ago.)

I'm not really satisfied with how HDDRIVER handles this, and I will
probably change this after further investigation.

Best regards


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