Re: [hatari-devel] Lethal Xcess memory snapshot fails

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On 04/06/2018 à 12:11, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
You said "press above key", I guess you mean "up arrow key" ?

I mean the sequence I described just before.

Namely, press this sequence of keys:

AltGr+K		# To save snapshot
Enter		# To validate "OK to overwrite?"
AltGr+L 	# To load snapshot

You can repeat the above sequence several times. It should quickly crash.

You can try that:
- at the "Eclipse" logo, during intro music playback
- at the main menu
- inside the game

I always use STe mode, as Lethal Xcess sync scroll fails in STf mode in Hatari (other bug).

I will make further tests and report.
Really, I can't understand how it works fine for you while I'm so annoyed.

Vincent Rivière

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