Re: [hatari-devel] Lethal Xcess memory snapshot fails

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Le 04/06/2018 à 00:39, Vincent Rivière a écrit :
On 03/06/2018 à 18:15, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Not yet, it's not always reproducable so it's harder to debug (in your case, it might look reproducable, but I can't trigger it myself).

I use my own HG binary compiled for Cygwin.
Really, it was impossible for me to get it working.
Now I tried once again... and it worked most of the times!
There is definitely something random.

From what I already experienced, I think this save/restore issue is very specific to some games/demos, depending on some internal timer states when this happens. In 99% of the case, save/restore works.

In my case, I press F12 then I choose "save memory snapshot", maybe you use directly the shortcut key to save a snapshot ? (although it should not make a difference)

Previously, I used the menu.
Now I use the keyboard, it's faster.


And I found a way to crash differently (maybe another bug).
- Run Lethal Xcess up to the Eclipse logo.
- Press the above keys (one or a few times)
- See bombs (screenshot)

You should easily reproduce this one.

Which lethal xcess version are you using (STX ? a cracked version from a compilation ?)


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