Re: [hatari-devel] ST bus error results

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Thomas Huth schrieb:

> Would be interesting to
> know whether Ricoh chips have still been used for Mega-STs, or if all
> Megas were already shipped with an IMP chip...

I think that Megas were also shipped with Ricoh chipset. Browsing the
Mega ST mainboard photo gallery at
<>, one finds two
mainboards with Ricoh chips. The parts list in the Mega ST service
manual also makes reference to the part numbers of the Ricoh chips
(C02591x). Finally, Atari technical notes [1] mention that some Mega ST
mainboard revisions need to be modified for IMP chips, implying that
they were originally designed for Ricoh ones.

However, I wonder how to integrate this into Hatari. A chipset selection
option would be too technical for most users, I think.

PS: Note that the IMP chipset not only differs in terms of bus error
generation but e.g. also in terms of handling of memory banks by the MMU.


[1] <>
Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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