Re: [hatari-devel] resizable windows

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Le 19/06/2017 à 22:42, Adam Klobukowski a écrit :

Sure, their input is valid, so ask them about colors on different monitors and/or on TVs, and how they hated that one pixel masterpiece that looked perfectly on one monitor, looked like crap on another.

I'm just unsure there is a single default that will be ok for everyone.

The ST could be connected to a CRT monitor or a CRT TV. Not all CRT/monitor TV had some knobs to strech image horizontally or vertically, they had some default settings that you couldn't change.

And in that case, with those default "industrial accepted" settings, the pixels were not square. It doesn't change that you could modify the monitor settings later, the horizontal and vertical clock rates of the pal/secam signals (or ntsc in other countries) as output by the shifter meant that the pixels were not perfectly square.

This wat not necessarily visible back then, due to the "bluriness" of the RGB matrix on CRT, but it's in direct relation to the clock signal output by the ST.


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