Re: [hatari-devel] SDL1 vs. SDL2 sound pausing

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Le 10/09/2016 à 13:05, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
Le 10/09/2016 à 12:41, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 10/09/2016 à 12:28, Jerome Vernet a écrit :

If you add a simple printf "Audio_CallBack\n" at the beginning of
Audio_CallBack(), does it print even when you enter an OSX menu ?
CompleteSndBufIdx stay fixed on the same value, but yes.

Can you test this printf at the start of Audio_CallBack :
printf ( "audio cbk %d %d\n" , nGeneratedSamples , CompleteSndBufIdx )

I think nGeneratedSamples might become 0 when you use OSX menus ?

If that so, then I think the part that mirrors samples to fill the rest of Buffer might be the culprit.

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