Re: [hatari-devel] Mega ST(E) |
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Am Sat, 14 May 2016 23:46:30 +0200
schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 13/05/2016 à 22:13, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> > yes, I also thought that adding plain selection for megastf/megaste
> > would be a nice addition, even if the corresponding machines differ
> > only by a few HW changes, it's easier to select for the user.
> >
> > As for removing blitter and rtc option, maybe they could be moved
> > under a new system/advanced setting windows ? It could be useful to
> > some people for prototyping to be able to test under emulation what
> > a real st would give with blitter/rtc and emutos for example (I
> > know emutos people are often testing all the HW combination) ?
> Please do not remove the Blitter / RTC options. EmuTOS autodetects
> each hardware component. Hatari is the only Atari emulator where
> specific hardware can easily be added/removed. It is pleasant and
> sometimes useful to see that EmuTOS can handle any hardware
> combination properly.
Hm, ok, maybe it makes sense to keep the blitter option, since a
blitter could be added to the original STs, too.
But does it really make sense to keep the RTC option? Was it possible
to solder an RTC into a plain ST/STE ? I think the RTC was only
available in the Mega machines, wasn't it? So it does not make too much
sense to provide this option for the plain ST and STE machines, too,
does it?