Re: [hatari-devel] OS X SDL2 testing

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I did try hatari from the command line with these options:
../hatari --machine ste --cpuclock 16 --fpu-type 68881 --tos /Users/bobc/Documents/Hatari/ROM/TOS\ v2.06\ \(1991\)\(Atari\ Corp\)\(Mega-STE\)\(US\).img 

I see the 68881 appear on the Hatari status bar, as it does with my config file. However, SYSINFO does not show anything for the FPU type. Since it appears on the status line, I assume the FPU is enabled. It is possible that SYSINFO is simply not detecting it for some reason.

Now, the fact that the 68881 option is not cleared when you select a different config file is a bug in the OS X UI that hopefully Jerome will have time to correct soon.

Bob C

> On Nov 29, 2015, at 3:54 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 29/11/2015 22:42, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
>> Nicolas,
>> Is the FPU working in the WinUAE CPU? I only ask because Sysinfo did not see an FPU. Again, I feel this is a minor concern since I do not even know how many applications supported the FPU. I am sure some application software (CAD?) supported the FPU, but I would be surprised if that software is still used by people in 2015.
>> I am sorry for the long post.
> Yes, FPU is supposed to work, for example, as far as I know Doug made quite a big use of it in his great Quake 2 engine.
> Maybe that's a bug in the OSX UI. Did you try using the "--fpu-type" option from the command line to compare the results ?
> Nicolas

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