Re: [hatari-devel] OS X SDL2 testing |
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Le 29/11/2015 22:42, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
Nicolas, Is the FPU working in the WinUAE CPU? I only ask because Sysinfo did not see an FPU. Again, I feel this is a minor concern since I do not even know how many applications supported the FPU. I am sure some application software (CAD?) supported the FPU, but I would be surprised if that software is still used by people in 2015. I am sorry for the long post.
Yes, FPU is supposed to work, for example, as far as I know Doug made quite a big use of it in his great Quake 2 engine.
Maybe that's a bug in the OSX UI. Did you try using the "--fpu-type" option from the command line to compare the results ?
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