Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari version for OS X

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I was able to compile the OS X version with the old UAE CPU and the new WinUAE CPU. I tested out the OS X preferences and they work fine.

Bob C

> On Jun 23, 2015, at 7:03 AM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 23/06/2015 07:34, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
>> Le 22/06/2015 23:48, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
>>> Hi
>>> thanks, I updated all the files.
>>> But I see 2 new files :
>>> iconMSAdisk.png
>>> iconSTdisk.png
>>> I can't see where they're refered from. They should be added to the repo ?
>> They are used in my own build to have icons for .st and .msa files under
>> Finder, when added to XCode Project. I do not know how to add them to
>> the cmake build system...
>> So, right now, it's not useful.
> ok, main repo updated.
> Bob / Troed or other people using the OSX UI, could you do a pull from the main repo and check everything compiles for you ?
> Thanks
> Nicolas

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