Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari snapshots

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I have tried the 32-bit snapshots on Windows 7 (32-bit version). I have 2.7 Ghz Intel Core i5 and the 32-bit snapshot gives me a Windows error as soon as I attempt to start the program. I have a 64-bit version of Windows 10 technical preview in another virtual machine and I think that worked, but I am not sure of it.

Bob C

> On Nov 21, 2014, at 3:21 AM, Christer Solskogen <christer.solskogen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Nicolas Pomarède
> <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Le 21/11/2014 04:22, Roger Burrows a écrit :
>>> I've been using Hatari 1.7.0 for EmuTOS testing, but for a specific test
>>> wanted
>>> to use the latest Windows 32-bit snapshot from:
>>> The snapshot contains 8 different versions of the executable.  I think
>>> I've
>>> tried all of them and they have similar behaviour:
>>> (1) SDL1 versions:
>>> a) display a message saying that I have no tos.img (which is true) and
>>> then
>>> display the GUI.
>>> b) I change the image to (e.g. TOS104US.ROM), reset, and click on OK
>>> c) Hatari crashes
>>> (2) SDL2 versions:
>>> Hatari always crashes.
>>> I tried deleting the old .hatari directory but the problem persists.
>>> So I have 2 questions:
>>> 1. which executable should I be using?
>>> 2. what am I likely doing wrong?
>>> Alternatively, can someone send me a precompiled working snapshot for
>>> Windows?
>>> In case it's relevant, I'm using Windows XP.
>> Hi
>> have you tried the windows binary for 1.8.0 here
>> ? The 32 bit version should work on XP.
>> But if Hatari starts and display an error message, then I don't think it's a
>> binary problem, else it wouldn't even start.
> I don't use XP, so I don't test my builds on XP. But I think that it
> might have something to do with your CPU.
> Which CPU are you using?

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