Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?

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Le 30/07/2014 11:55, Konador, Cyprian a écrit :
-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas Pomarède
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:20 AM
Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] Things still remaining before v1.8 release?
Release is ready, files are available here :

Please, download the sources or the windows binary and report any
success/failure when compiling or running the exe (just check if the
program is starting and load a disk for example)

I've checked both versions under Windows7 and they doesn't work. In case of 32bit version I see only dialog box with message "The procedure entry point inflateReset2 could not be located in the dynamic link library zlib1.dll". 64 bit version shows message "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)"

I need to check for the 32 bit version, because I was able to start it from Wine under linux.

As for the 64 bit version, there's indeed a problem someone else reported too ; that's my mistake, the dll in the 64 bit zip archive are the 32 bit version instead of the 64 bit version :(

I will update the zip file and let you know to test again.

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