Re: [hatari-devel] LED with empty floppy drives

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Le 05/05/2014 02:10, Vincent Rivière a écrit :
On 05/05/2014 00:09, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
By the way, we can see the DR0SEL is also routed to the keyboard and
connected to the keyboard's led. So, when drive 0 is enabled, the led
turn on at the drive level, but also on the keyboard led (above the

This is interesting.

On my STe, there is of course a LED on the keyboard, but I don't
remember there is a LED on the internal drive itself (or it is not

When determining if the light should stay on or turn off, you should
precisely specify if you are talking about the drive LED or the keyboard

On my STE, both leds are switching on/off at the exact same time ; the led on the internal drive is not always visible, it's sometimes behind the plastic case.

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