Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari IKBD emulation regression?

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Le 05/05/2014 20:09, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

As to Puzznic, this is what its demo does when it's frozen
(should be switching between different startup screens instead):
profile addresses
$070026 : bsr       $70044           1.33% (1243359, 24867180, 0)
$07002a : btst      #7,d0            1.33% (1243360, 14920320, 0)
$07002e : bne       $70026           1.33% (1243360, 9946880, 0)
$070044 : move.w    #$80,$ff8606     1.33% (1243359, 24867180, 0)
$07004c : bsr       $70056           1.33% (1243359, 24867180, 0)
$070050 : andi.w    #$ff,d0          1.33% (1243360, 9946880, 0)
$070054 : rts                        1.33% (1243360, 19893760, 0)
$070056 : move.w    #$40,d5          1.33% (1243359, 9946872, 0)
$07005a : dbra      d5,$7005a       86.67% (80818374, 974793916, 0)
$07005e : move.w    $ff8604,d0       1.33% (1243360, 24867200, 0)
$070064 : rts                        1.33% (1243360, 19893760, 0)


no bug in emulation, but I guess you ran the game from hard disk instead of floppy ?

The problem is that when the game loads, it waits for motor to stop in drive A (because it expects to run from floppy).
Just insert a floppy in drive A, and this will fix the problem.


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